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International wants to raise dues


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Dear Uneducated One,


The no-strike clause that forces disputes to binding arbitration for GM and Chrysler expires in 2015


You are welcome, in advance for the education--




Education..... goes beyond simple expiration dates.


In the last few (way to many) contracts have you "TT" found any clause or item returned, reversed or reinstated?


TT, I may be wrong (more times then I want to remember) but, in the past you have made reference to being apart of the Trades...? With your teaching skills you have mastered, could you enlighten me to the possible changes you see for the contract that would reverse the lanuage on the mechanical work groups?


Is it your opinion, backed by years of education, this membership will see gains in their hourly rates of compensation? First tier members? Can you give some insight into the possible reinstating of the cost of living factor?


Possibly you could express your knowledge on the manner in which the IUAW will announce (to the world) that they have completely reversed their stance on aiding the companies at our cost and have come to the educated conclusion that their membership`s pockets are empty when it comes to giving up their earned compensation and benefits?


TT, with my lower level of education I have to rely on deductive reasoning to move through the mase of cooperation, that over the years the IUAW and the companies have built their relationship on. Being a member for a few years, I have witnessed the slow removal of compensation and benefits. I`ve watched as both company and IUAW have proven that our hourly rate is excessive, by lowering the rate of compensation to members doing the same tasks as first tier members. We have witnessed the giving and helping one side of the negotiations table has done while the other side manipulates its way to even higher profits.


Our efficiency rates are at or higher than any other manufacturer. The level of quality that the managers will allow, is always met. In your educated terms, could you tell the members how these two facts may or will be used as the tools/strategies to secure or reinstate any lanuage in the next contract?


Once again, (possibly another time) I may be wrong but, I can`t deduce that we will see much if any change in the negotiation methods we have witnessed in the past. I just had the pleasure of listening to members of the IUAW and not one gave anything remotely like a strong sence of hope for the next contract....


Good luck Professor, with that "positive" outlook on filling our plants with product and investment, through the 2007 & 2011 contract. You do realize that we had plants close, right?


WAR CHEST? Take an educataed guess to the amount this bank account has been tapped at the last few constitutional conventions, then read how much has been pulled off in between the Con Con`s.... War chest or possibly VEBA`s solvency?


Professor, what is the schedule for the next ECON lecture?



1 of the 1788

(didn`t like it then, surely don`t care for it now)

Edited by Decker
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Never "have" to strike unless there were no other bargaining tools/strategies left to bargain with---.


With the UAW strategy of filling our plants with product and investments thanks 2007 and 2011 contracts, the IUAW now has leverage on possible raises across the board.---


The only weakness is the strike fund that would only sustain a short strike and the companies all (All UAW including GM, Chrysler, Agricultural Implementation, Heavy Truck etc, etc,) know that they can starve out the UAW and drain the fund thus breaking a strike for less than what would be attainable with a robust strike fund.


I am thankful for the benefit of paying my dues and being represented by the UAW for my awesome wages, vacation, personal time and 20 holidays paid per year among many other great benefits that non-UAW will never get without union representation


A small increase in dues, building the war chest will only gain leverage for raises, job security and increased benefits in for all 2015

If there's a weakness in the strike fund, maybe the IUAW shouldn't have moved to divert funds from the strike fund in order to support their failed organizing bids.....just saying...and it wasn't just once....throwing good money after bad....

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Best guesstamitts....


The IUAW spent over 200K organizing...(trying).... get this.... "Grad Students" at a collage in Minnesota? Better pay and benefits during their internships....? What the IUAW didn`t realize is an internship is not a career and yes not paid like one.


So needless to say... the 200k lead ballon didn`t fly. Any guesses where the over 200k came from?



1 of the 1788



over 211k was paid to students to help convence other students to join....

Edited by Decker
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If there is a weakness in any fund, the weakness starts with the administrators of the fund. (Business 101)


Can you think of how long your business would last if you spent 600k or 700k to become up with a big fat ZERO?


TT, if you go to www.atwhatcost-mn/index.html you will see how administrators of a business fund, invested its investors money. (dues) Now some will say the web sight is anti union and that the old long hair is anti union. So I will state once again.... I AM ANTI (drum roll please) STUPID BUSINESS VENTURES!!!!


Here is a crazy idea.... transfer some of that fricken strike fund to a great cause.... A RETIRES PRESCRIPTION PLAN to off set those dam CO fricken payments??? VEBA another great business venture....


What school did these administrators take their business courses at?


WAR CHEST? really come on the list just keeps getting longer with the big fat ZERO`S on our investments or as some like to call them... DUES.



1 uneducated of the 1788



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Never "have" to strike unless there were no other bargaining tools/strategies left to bargain with---.


With the UAW strategy of filling our plants with product and investments thanks 2007 and 2011 contracts, the IUAW now has leverage on possible raises across the board.---


The only weakness is the strike fund that would only sustain a short strike and the companies all (All UAW including GM, Chrysler, Agricultural Implementation, Heavy Truck etc, etc,) know that they can starve out the UAW and drain the fund thus breaking a strike for less than what would be attainable with a robust strike fund.


I am thankful for the benefit of paying my dues and being represented by the UAW for my awesome wages, vacation, personal time and 20 holidays paid per year among many other great benefits that non-UAW will never get without union representation


A small increase in dues, building the war chest will only gain leverage for raises, job security and increased benefits in for all 2015




Education..... goes beyond simple expiration dates.


In the last few (way to many) contracts have you "TT" found any clause or item returned, reversed or reinstated?


TT, I may be wrong (more times then I want to remember) but, in the past you have made reference to being apart of the Trades...? With your teaching skills you have mastered, could you enlighten me to the possible changes you see for the contract that would reverse the lanuage on the mechanical work groups?


Is it your opinion, backed by years of education, this membership will see gains in their hourly rates of compensation? First tier members? Can you give some insight into the possible reinstating of the cost of living factor?


Possibly you could express your knowledge on the manner in which the IUAW will announce (to the world) that they have completely reversed their stance on aiding the companies at our cost and have come to the educated conclusion that their membership`s pockets are empty when it comes to giving up their earned compensation and benefits?


TT, with my lower level of education I have to rely on deductive reasoning to move through the mase of cooperation, that over the years the IUAW and the companies have built their relationship on. Being a member for a few years, I have witnessed the slow removal of compensation and benefits. I`ve watched as both company and IUAW have proven that our hourly rate is excessive, by lowering the rate of compensation to members doing the same tasks as first tier members. We have witnessed the giving and helping one side of the negotiations table has done while the other side manipulates its way to even higher profits.


Our efficiency rates are at or higher than any other manufacturer. The level of quality that the managers will allow, is always met. In your educated terms, could you tell the members how these two facts may or will be used as the tools/strategies to secure or reinstate any lanuage in the next contract?


Once again, (possibly another time) I may be wrong but, I can`t deduce that we will see much if any change in the negotiation methods we have witnessed in the past. I just had the pleasure of listening to members of the IUAW and not one gave anything remotely like a strong sence of hope for the next contract....


Good luck Professor, with that "positive" outlook on filling our plants with product and investment, through the 2007 & 2011 contract. You do realize that we had plants close, right?


WAR CHEST? Take an educataed guess to the amount this bank account has been tapped at the last few constitutional conventions, then read how much has been pulled off in between the Con Con`s.... War chest or possibly VEBA`s solvency?


Professor, what is the schedule for the next ECON lecture?



1 of the 1788

(didn`t like it then, surely don`t care for it now)


Another education session for decker----



In the last few (way to many) contracts have you "TT" found any clause or item returned, reversed or reinstated?


Yes, several—

  1. COLA was returned in the form of $1,500 per year starting in 2012 per the 2011 CBA. (Please follow cost of living adjustments that would have adjusted no increase since December 2011) a $6,000 cola payment or .75 cents per hour based on a 2,000 work year. Again COLA adjustments would have been zero but thanks to our contract we gained $6,000 more in COLA.
  2. $250 Competitive bonus paid over the 4 years equals $1,000 over the agreement or 12.5 cents per hour based on a 2000 hour working year
  3. $6000 signing bonus another .75 cents per hour based on 2,000 hour working year over the 4 years of the agreement
  4. More open, increased and transparent profit sharing that will most likely average $8,000 per year for each of the 4 years of the agreement equaling $32,000 total over four years of the agreement. Translates to $4.00 per hour wage increase based on a 2000 hour work year
  5. Lower office visits to $20 per visit and no cost shifting to us on prescriptions or medical coverage while these increased costs based on an average family of 4, balloon to $2,000 per year no cost to us which translates to a wage increase of $1.00 per hour

Just these few returns added over $6.00 per hour to our wage structure.

Do you really think that without the UAW these items would be given to us because the company is generous??

Without the UAW, we as well as transplants would be working for $15.00 per hour with no seniority, less vacation, no personal time, no voice in the workplace, no more 20 paid holidays every year, little to no benefits etc, etc,….

Please uneducated one, stop your division and tactics of destroying this great union. Lies and deceit is cruel to those that believe your garbage.




TT, I may be wrong (more times then I want to remember) but, in the past you have made reference to being apart of the Trades...? With your teaching skills you have mastered, could you enlighten me to the possible changes you see for the contract that would reverse the lanuage on the mechanical work groups?

We are doing mechanical work groups now when the boss aint around. We care about equipment uptime and efficiency to better keep work in the UAW and improve profit sharing for all. I know many of my past co-workers/trades that transferred to MAP that are successfully doing the mech teams. They are engaged in all aspects of properly running maintenance and embrace this tool to get rid of the supervisors that ruin efficiency gains. I hope it launches in all facilities and gives us trades the voice and respect we deserve. If it’s successful like I’m hearing at MAP then it should be a good benefit. I have not heard of these teams anywhere else so I don’t know of any other examples.




Is it your opinion, backed by years of education, this membership will see gains in their hourly rates of compensation? In my opinion gains established above as I believe more gains should be attainable with our plants flooded with products and investments thanks to the 2007 and 2011 agreements, a well-funded war chest “strike fund” and a sound economy.

First tier members? All should be gaining as shown in the examples above. Entry Level got a $4.50 rate of pay increase and possibly entry level/legacy rates increase in 2015

Can you give some insight into the possible reinstating of the cost of living factor? See post above. I will reiterate again, the UAW had the foresight to see the cost of living factor was not going to gain any benefit (the economy improves, cola goes down) but guaranteed our $1,500 per year or $6,000 per member over the life of the agreement. My personal opinion is that the $1,500 per year is far better than a cola formula (which netted 0 since 2011) that hurts us financially as described above


Possibly you could express your knowledge on the manner in which the IUAW will announce (to the world) that they have completely reversed their stance on aiding the companies at our cost and have come to the educated conclusion that their membership`s pockets are empty when it comes to giving up their earned compensation and benefits?

Don’t know about your pockets but I (most trades as well) will have made over $150,000 per year and over the past 2 years mostly because the UAW guaranteed our job security, great benefits and retirement. I made $13,500 in profit sharing last year and should break $15,000 this year. Most trades I work with enjoy this windfall of earnings from our UAW and great benefits. Production I work with are making close to $70,000 up to $85,000 this year and entry level are enjoying their raises and earning potential. Cant speak for the UAW but things are good in the Rouge.




TT, with my lower level of education I have to rely on deductive reasoning to move through the mase of cooperation, that over the years the IUAW and the companies have built their relationship on. Being a member for a few years, I have witnessed the slow removal of compensation and benefits. I`ve watched as both company and IUAW have proven that our hourly rate is excessive, by lowering the rate of compensation to members doing the same tasks as first tier members. We have witnessed the giving and helping one side of the negotiations table has done while the other side manipulates its way to even higher profits.

Your opinion above is nothing more than an effort to destroy this great union. Might I add that deductive reasoning and half-truths are no basis of any opinion.

Please educate yourself as I have respectfully asked in the past. This board is a good tool TO SHARE INFORMATION not spread lies and innuendo.




Our efficiency rates are at or higher than any other manufacturer. The level of quality that the managers will allow, is always met. In your educated terms, could you tell the members how these two facts may or will be used as the tools/strategies to secure or reinstate any lanuage in the next contract?

I can only speak to language I can read and understand and not suppositions, hypotheticals and innuendos.




Once again, (possibly another time) I may be wrong but, I can`t deduce that we will see much if any change in the negotiation methods we have witnessed in the past. I just had the pleasure of listening to members of the IUAW and not one gave anything remotely like a strong sence of hope for the next contract....

Good luck Professor, with that "positive" outlook on filling our plants with product and investment, through the 2007 & 2011 contract. You do realize that we had plants close, right?

UAW doesn’t close plants, it fights to keep them open, lower market share, unorganized transplants and unorganized parts plants will close higher paid/compensated UAW plants.




WAR CHEST? Take an educataed guess to the amount this bank account has been tapped at the last few constitutional conventions, then read how much has been pulled off in between the Con Con`s.... War chest or possibly VEBA`s solvency?


Lowest level of members since the 1960s will result in lower dues income while costs skyrocket and eat away at the general fund. The war chest is depleted and you are against funding the strike fund yet ask for bargaining greatness in 2015-------- hmmmm, I would have to say there is no educating your closed mind.

The 3 VEBAs are all separately funded and have no attachment to the UAW operating budget.




Professor, what is the schedule for the next ECON lecture?

No lectures, just correct information sharing and not anti-union rhetoric

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Lol. I love how you broke down everything to 2000 hours a year.


I work a hell of a lot more than 2000 hours.


I'll say this. They raise my dues, I'll seriously look at the RTW laws in Michigan about opting out. Detroit kept taxing their citizens to death and look where it got them. Everybody moved out. Same will happen to the UAW.

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I'm not even talking about my COLA. I want my time and a half back after 8 hours! That was a tremendous costs savings to the company and I would like to go back to the 5 8's! Also, I want my day after Easter (Holy Monday) back. I realize that the $1500 lump sum could truly be a boon to us because it's extra income if there is no cost of living increase but there is no justification for them taking my time and half after 8 hour

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You realize if we got a raise you make more $ on the opportunity when it compounds w overtime? Your long diatribe is redundant. A raise better suits because you make it on the hour plus OT. Everything you wrote sounds like a company guy. Decker and I don't see eye to eye on some things but TT you're wrong.

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TT, I`m deeply impressed......


Most cute cheer leaders would have started the "anti union" cheer in the first sentence or two.....


Holding off till the very end gives the impression you are a cheer leader that has been under the bleachers a time or two....Questioning the Teams methods is "anti"?


With a more serious train of thought, your perception of the Teams performance is so different from mine that I find it hard to think we would ever come to a comparable evaluation of our teams efforts or track record.


Your outward giddiness about our team is an emotion that I have never run into here at CAP. Now in no way I`m I judging your perception or giddiness, No I find it interesting that you state and give off the persona of believing the Team delivered even close to an equal exchange at the bargaining table in 2007 and 2011...Along with your feelings of complete hopefulness that our Team will deliver the same happiness in 2015, ...interesting.


Good luck with those high kicks...TT. Me I`ll just keep working on trying to get back our OT, hourly increases, holidays and equal pay for equal work etc etc...



Edited by Decker
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Spring...you too?


A delegate? Me too.


What a trip, to watch all the vacuum cleaners running around, really was amusing....after I figured out what was going on..



Yes sir! First full fledged female (meaning not an alternate) delegate from our local, or so I was told! I was the chick who stood up on the chair and yelled down Gettelfinger when the brother was trying to bring a point of information to the floor.

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Yes sir! First full fledged female (meaning not an alternate) delegate from our local, or so I was told! I was the chick who stood up on the chair and yelled down Gettelfinger when the brother was trying to bring a point of information to the floor.

Outstanding!!!! young sister, you are the kind of reason the old long hair stays involved. Stop questioning the leaders and we fall pray to someone else`s dick tattor shit......


You should have seen the looks on region 4`s faces when the old long hair pasted security and sat on the floor.... :spiteful: I could not figure out why the alternates went? Our alternates were not there more than there..... paid vaction???




One thing I can`t understand is why??? hasn`t the IUAW pushed for one thing.... seeing as we have been posting the profits a few years now, you`d think a Christmas bonus would pop up for nothing else but good PR for the company. But, nothing, nada, zipppp.


Outstanding Spring!!!!



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Honestly, they could take my Christmas bonus (if we got one) and give it to the retirees! They used to get a bonus and it was to offset the fact they don't get COLA. I used to give my dad (a retiree in 09) part of my bonus. I figured he earned it by showing me the union way and forging the path for us younger folks. I give him some of my profit sharing as well.....but the Christmas Bonus doesn't mean as much to me (an active employee) as it does to a retiree! I'd gladly forgo something like that for them! Same with COLA. But they're making a killing off this AWS and not having to pay overtime after 8 hours. Especially with the trades. And the "powers that be" wonder why their dues are down? Between that and second tier, is it any wonder? Decker, I just don't know about these guys. Just when you think they can't get any dumber, they turn around and surprise you every time! lol What's really sad is they are so far removed from the rank and file that they don't realize that they're losing them. We don't have RTW in Ohio (thank God!) but they're trying again. And from what I'm reading on here and in the papers and on social media, as soon as folks don't have to pay more than "Fair Share" portions, they won't. And then what is the IUAW going to do? They're not thinking anything through nor are they looking at anything with any vision.

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Yea its sad. You should of seen our meetings with iuaw there. It was good until iuaw told people to shut the f up and we work for them. I bet come next contract less than 10 percent of work force at Frap will pay dues. With all 2tier and union doing whatever company wants to get appointed jobs for family and nothing fir the workforce its gonna get worse. What's gonna happen when I retire and its all 2nd tier workers working and they have no retirement.......shoot even new salary employees have a "ford retirement plan" where union emploees do not get

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Honestly, they could take my Christmas bonus (if we got one) and give it to the retirees! They used to get a bonus and it was to offset the fact they don't get COLA. I used to give my dad (a retiree in 09) part of my bonus. I figured he earned it by showing me the union way and forging the path for us younger folks. I give him some of my profit sharing as well.....but the Christmas Bonus doesn't mean as much to me (an active employee) as it does to a retiree! I'd gladly forgo something like that for them! Same with COLA. But they're making a killing off this AWS and not having to pay overtime after 8 hours. Especially with the trades. And the "powers that be" wonder why their dues are down? Between that and second tier, is it any wonder? Decker, I just don't know about these guys. Just when you think they can't get any dumber, they turn around and surprise you every time! lol What's really sad is they are so far removed from the rank and file that they don't realize that they're losing them. We don't have RTW in Ohio (thank God!) but they're trying again. And from what I'm reading on here and in the papers and on social media, as soon as folks don't have to pay more than "Fair Share" portions, they won't. And then what is the IUAW going to do? They're not thinking anything through nor are they looking at anything with any vision.


I can`t agree more, Spring.


It seems the IUAW really think they are going to make people join the UAW by doing what??? Paying Grad Students to sell the union to other students? Giving the current members contracts with benefits like they have in the last few contracts? Agreeing to help the company every step of the way...for what? Lowering the members income with a lower tier and stagnating all the other members income for 9 or 10 years..... Then have the gall to wonder why the unions income is in a downward trend...


I know this will most likely blow the cute cheer leaders (TT) mind but, what the hell are those so called leaders doing? It sure as hell isn`t... thinking about how the union makes its money. Once again I am ANTI STUPID BUSINESS DECISIONS!! I know TT are over all numbers have dropped...... and these guys didn`t see that coming? or have anything that remotely looked like a plan?


Really what is wrong with the IUAW? Humans want to belong its part of our make up. There are clubs with waiting lists and qualifications to join but never seem to run out of people that would do just about anything to join and belong...no one wants to join this club of ours because very few people want to be treated like our members are being treated.


I have to wonder when our retiree`s will need Obamacare? (I`m not stating Obamacare is good or bad TT)



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If IUAW wants to increase dues...... I want to see some 2nd tier wage IUAW employees.


The hourly head count has been reduced greatly through attrition , buyouts, etc.

How much has IUAW staffing and head count been reduced in the same time frame ?

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Honestly, they could take my Christmas bonus (if we got one) and give it to the retirees! They used to get a bonus and it was to offset the fact they don't get COLA. I used to give my dad (a retiree in 09) part of my bonus. I figured he earned it by showing me the union way and forging the path for us younger folks. I give him some of my profit sharing as well.....but the Christmas Bonus doesn't mean as much to me (an active employee) as it does to a retiree! I'd gladly forgo something like that for them! Same with COLA. But they're making a killing off this AWS and not having to pay overtime after 8 hours. Especially with the trades. And the "powers that be" wonder why their dues are down? Between that and second tier, is it any wonder? Decker, I just don't know about these guys. Just when you think they can't get any dumber, they turn around and surprise you every time! lol What's really sad is they are so far removed from the rank and file that they don't realize that they're losing them. We don't have RTW in Ohio (thank God!) but they're trying again. And from what I'm reading on here and in the papers and on social media, as soon as folks don't have to pay more than "Fair Share" portions, they won't. And then what is the IUAW going to do? They're not thinking anything through nor are they looking at anything with any vision.

Honestly because of the AWS I could see them giving us OT back after 8.5-9 hours it wouldn't be much, however with the plants forcing a shitton of 10.7s down our throat it's like a 12 hour day with no reward anyway.

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the union does not have to enroll in obama care. i heard that this may end next year. ford pays many millions in health care costs. you think ford does not want out of some of those bills..... we will soon have to enroll in obama care. then what? everyone i talk to thinks the uaw is safe from it. i don't thinkk so. we will lose even more money.

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the union does not have to enroll in obama care. i heard that this may end next year. ford pays many millions in health care costs. you think ford does not want out of some of those bills..... we will soon have to enroll in obama care. then what? everyone i talk to thinks the uaw is safe from it. i don't thinkk so. we will lose even more money.

That is not my understanding of. "Obama Care". It, is not a substitute or an alternate for insurance, where employers can dump their employees. It is not insurance. It, is a law that governs minumum standards for insurance. It also enables and assist a persons search for insurance. That insurance is provided by the same insurance companies that currently sell and provide insurance.

The goverment under "Obama Care" does not pay for your insurance. IT does, however provide subsidies for those whose incomes make it difficult to obtain or pay for insurance. Most will still pay for thier own insurance or will, in most cases, have employer paid insurance. Ford Autoworkers make to much money to qualify for these subsidies and would not need insurance through the insurance "exchanges" set up under "Obama care" (Actually The Affordble Care Act) because we get our health insurance, like most Americans, through our employer .

Our insurance is provided by Ford as a contracted benefit that is part of our compensation. This will only change if the UAW allows Ford to walk away from this part of our compensation.

Edited by newworld
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Our soon to be President Elect




"In 1998, Williams was appointed to the national bargaining department. Three years later, he became director of UAW Region 4, overseeing nine north-central states, including Wisconsin and Illinois. He negotiated painful concessionary contracts with Caterpillar Inc. that included the union’s first voluntary employee beneficiary association, or VEBA, to take over responsibility for retiree health care from the company.

The Caterpillar trust ran out of money"



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Our soon to be President Elect




"In 1998, Williams was appointed to the national bargaining department. Three years later, he became director of UAW Region 4, overseeing nine north-central states, including Wisconsin and Illinois. He negotiated painful concessionary contracts with Caterpillar Inc. that included the unions first voluntary employee beneficiary association, or VEBA, to take over responsibility for retiree health care from the company.

The Caterpillar trust ran out of money"





To all members and delegates headed to CON.

Please PLEASE request that we as members get to vote for our new president. Not the room of majority yes men.

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