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Farley Must Go


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Jim Farley did a podcast last week and said, he did not want to give up the EV-SUV from China, he has been driving the last 6 months. He praises this vehicle. Where is Bii Ford! Where is the Ford Board of Directors! Why hasn’t Sean Fain blasted these comments. Fire this bum now. He has done nothing for Ford in his tenure as CEO. The company stock has been dead money for 25 years. Google, Farley comments.

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While I don't have a problem with Farleys' comment about the Chinese EV, I agree he has done nothing for the Ford Motor Company. Quality of Ford products is so bad I actually used my wife's GM employee discount and bought a Chevy. They fired Joe Heinrichs for the horrendous Explorer launch but Farley is still there. I finally had enough and bailed on my Ford stock at a loss. GM and Mary Barra are kickin' _ss!

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Isn`t this the trend, in the Ford process, how many hold positions and have very little if anything to show as accomplishments for the company or employee`s or for the stockholders? Farley is just another golden parachute recipient waiting to jump. Just possibly, he was mugging for the Chinese Corp. that builds the unit he thinks so highly of, in hopes of a safe landing after he open`s the golden parachute? 


After all these year at one Ford facility, in one department I have seen for a decade or so, and it continues today the complete elimination of the need for accountability or pride in what an employee accomplishes. So really Farley is just another in the line of non-leaders since Mulally left. 


Then there is the union leadership, (leadership?) he is way too busy selling a candidate to voice any company opposition. One thing for sure many of the union membership see right through his candidates lack of accomplishments. 

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3 hours ago, Decker said:

After all these year at one Ford facility, in one department I have seen for a decade or so, and it continues today the complete elimination of the need for accountability or pride in what an employee accomplishes. So really Farley is just another in the line of non-leaders since Mulally left. 

Sadly, this is not just a problem at Ford. Today’s society does not appear to be interested in accountability for their actions. It’s always somebody else’s fault.  So far, I have yet to see what Farley has brought to the table. There may very well be things that he’s done that I’m not aware of, but I just haven’t seen it. 


In my opinion Mulally was the last great Ford leader. He navigated the company out of its death throes and introduced the concept of one Ford, which did not appear to be adhered to after he left.


This is a short article on Mulally that I thought was pretty interesting:




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Mr. Farley seems to be more interested in racing cars than running this co. His and Bill Ford decision to go all in on EV’S might be the end of Ford. The best thing Bill Ford ever did was fire himself as CEO and hire Mulally. It time for the Ford family to take their hands off of this company and sit back and collect their quarterly dividends. If not, there might not be any dividends to collect soon. Hey UAW, your silence is deafening!!!

For people who don’t have a problem with Farley public comments ( not private comments) you can’t complain when they start selling here in the states. The CEO of Ford basically said, buyers want a quality product at a good value that they love. This would be like the CEO of McDonald’s saying he loves eating at Chinese restaurants. 




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18 hours ago, fmco76 said:

Mr. Farley seems to be more interested in racing cars than running this co. His and Bill Ford decision to go all in on EV’S might be the end of Ford. The best thing Bill Ford ever did was fire himself as CEO and hire Mulally. It time for the Ford family to take their hands off of this company and sit back and collect their quarterly dividends. If not, there might not be any dividends to collect soon. Hey UAW, your silence is deafening!!!

For people who don’t have a problem with Farley public comments ( not private comments) you can’t complain when they start selling here in the states. The CEO of Ford basically said, buyers want a quality product at a good value that they love. This would be like the CEO of McDonald’s saying he loves eating at Chinese restaurants. 




If we take Farleys' public comment about the Chinese EV advancements as a public warning to Ford Motor Company employees and the entire auto industry to this latest threat to the future existence of many of the current auto companies we can hope everyone is listening. We shrugged off companies like VW, Toyota, Honda and Datsun as nothing to be concerned about. More recently I can remember sitting in Quality meetings when Hyundai/Kia was at the bottom of the graphs, almost off the charts in quality. I can also remember a quality meeting that was only a few years later and Ford was hugging the bottom and Hyundai/ Kia was on top. Hopefully all of the automakers are paying close attention to this lastest threat from the Chinese EV to there very existence more closely than they have in the past.

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  • 4 weeks later...

He made a decision to go fully electric and cost company billions and most employees their jobs as he raced Fords cars . Most phony person that's walked the earth that knows nothing about running a car company that makes 1 car. I could go on for days what a dud he is starting with Scion. 

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On 10/26/2024 at 10:50 AM, tbone said:

Sadly, this is not just a problem at Ford. Today’s society does not appear to be interested in accountability for their actions. It’s always somebody else’s fault.  So far, I have yet to see what Farley has brought to the table. There may very well be things that he’s done that I’m not aware of, but I just haven’t seen it. 


In my opinion Mulally was the last great Ford leader. He navigated the company out of its death throes and introduced the concept of one Ford, which did not appear to be adhered to after he left.


This is a short article on Mulally that I thought was pretty interesting:




Think if Alan is up to it, he may be the man to bring back Boeing. 

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Hey paint guy, hope you're doing better. I took the walk Wed..... Saturday the text messeages kept coming - where you at, need you in spill out, the VO guys want you to come to the new plasma cell. I never returned one text, Sat. or Sun. Dam that felt good ;)


Things are strangers than anyone could have guessed. Plant manager did such a great job, the promote to the level of  incompentency played out again... she will take over for the retiring Director.

Paint has been through two LL5`s in the last year One LL5 stepped down to ME then it was found out he couldn`t even access MAXIMO. The ME that the step down LL5 kicked out of Paint went to Body, had no issues in Body as the ME was contemplating not retiring, till he was told to train the step down LL5 as the ME for body. The Body ME retired.  The second LL5 hired off the street, had a good story but well he fell for more fantasies than a 5 year old at Christmas. Anyway the latest LL5 is now at a desk as a maintenance process coach. 

The Body LL5 (former Paint LL5 that stepped down years ago) was instructed to oversee both Body & Paint. Full time LL5`s naaa Paint & Body doesn't need that. Paint gets another LL5 Jan. 01, Paint has a new ME, he knows what needs to be done but, will the troops let him do what he knows how to do??? Body gets the part time LL5 back full time but he gets a step downer for the Body ME. 


If I ever get it put together it might be interesting reading to big three auto employees.


Hope things are going better for you paint guy. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to hear you're doing better my friend. So many of the experienced ones are going by the end of the month or gone as of 01 Dec. that it is even more of a total mess then ever before. VO has always been more or less distant or in some fantascy world mind set but now VO is such a revolving door and those that come to CAP refuse to return. Then the in house VO engineers literaly stay locked up in the offices up stairs. Then literally walk to and from the parking lot with heads down and speaking to no one. My department is rewriting the book of failure. From process coaches that refuse to work in certain zones to the on going civil war between maintenance and production. Attendance is so bad that all RDW`s are 12 hour days no matter what production goes. 

As for going back, to help? to assist? to advise/apply all those years in the same department in the same plant? I`m not sure they want help, need assisting and as for experience that is not a positive aspect anymore. I now can say what I just thought of for years, Ford has a virus that no mask or any kind of vaccinasion will cure. The complete loss of employee accountability (hourly & salaried) and the mind set of I don`t have to do that or I'll use FMLA to work when I want employee`s (hourly & salaried) is so wide spread that I see no fixing what LL5`s and up don`t realize is so broke. 

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