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If anyone watched the debates you seen McCain look right in the camera and stated several times that Social Security was an easy fix. If it is such an easy fix then after 26 years in congress Mccain has not been able to get it accomplished. For us auto workers this is a big issue because if the Big 3 go bankrupt we will only recieve 30% of our pension. Mccain was a better candidate in 2000 but Bush 43 and his cronies slapped this War Veteran upside the head and threw him in the ditch and kicked dirt on him. But now they love him go figure who needs friends like that, and who would want to vote for him. Not me

I wish someone would tell that mother-fucker,golden spoon,McCain that the Communist North Vietnamese won the war in Vietnam over the corrupt South Vietnamese,American backed regime.What terrible calamities befell the United States of America as a direct result of the Vietnamese people acquiring the political system they so desired?It was a struggle for independence from Western Imperial forces that started with rebellion against the French.McCain`s 'shit' works on today`s Militaristic Society.The norm is that anything military is glamorous and victory is easy.People live in sovereign nation`s and have a right to self determination.Other nations in this world are actually proud of their own culture and heritage unlike the USA where we look back and spit on our forefathers like Christopher Columbus and General George Armstrong Custer.I could have lived the rest of my life never hearing the word Vietnam again.There were many hero`s of the war in Vietnam.4 college students of Kent State University come to mind.Oh and by the way,,the world is running out of oil.Draft some young lower socio-economic Americans males and after 90 days basic training throw em in a jungle to fight a war with no plan to win.Be careful at the dollar store.A lot of that stuff comes from,Nam.McCain save your stupid shit for the kids!Kick my ass!I am sure you can find me-mother-fucker.My pleasure!'Dobie Gillis' square hard ass-prick.Think you got your slutty looking wife because your family is rich and powerful?A Half Black Man/Half White who came from nothing is gonna beat your stupid ass in this Presidential election and that my friend is enough to make me shout GOD BLESS the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.The greatest President ever was George Washington for without him,we would not be here.

Edited by Fatso
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I wish someone would tell that mother-fucker,golden spoon,McCain that the Communist North Vietnamese won the war in Vietnam over the corrupt South Vietnamese,American backed regime.What terrible calamities befell the United States of America as a direct result of the Vietnamese people acquiring the political system they so desired?It was a struggle for independence from Western Imperial forces that started with rebellion against the French.McCain`s 'shit' works on today`s Militaristic Society.The norm is that anything military is glamorous and victory is easy.People live in sovereign nation`s and have a right to self determination.Other nations in this world are actually proud of their own culture and heritage unlike the USA where we look back and spit on our forefathers like Christopher Columbus and General George Armstrong Custer.I could have lived the rest of my life never hearing the word Vietnam again.There were many hero`s of the war in Vietnam.4 college students of Kent State University come to mind.Oh and by the way,,the world is running out of oil.Draft some young lower socio-economic Americans males and after 90 days basic training throw em in a jungle to fight a war with no plan to win.Be careful at the dollar store.A lot of that stuff comes from,Nam.McCain save your stupid shit for the kids!Kick my ass!I am sure you can find me-mother-fucker.My pleasure!'Dobie Gillis' square hard ass-prick.Think you got your slutty looking wife because your family is rich and powerful?A Half Black Man/Half White who came from nothing is gonna beat your stupid ass in this Presidential election and that my friend is enough to make me shout GOD BLESS the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.The greatest President ever was George Washington for without him,we would not be here.

you are a fucking asshole.

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If anyone watched the debates you seen McCain look right in the camera and stated several times that Social Security was an easy fix. If it is such an easy fix then after 26 years in congress Mccain has not been able to get it accomplished. For us auto workers this is a big issue because if the Big 3 go bankrupt we will only recieve 30% of our pension. Mccain was a better candidate in 2000 but Bush 43 and his cronies slapped this War Veteran upside the head and threw him in the ditch and kicked dirt on him. But now they love him go figure who needs friends like that, and who would want to vote for him. Not me


It was LBJ who looked at SS and said hey look at all that money, we need to change how it is handled, and put it in the general fund from being in a locked trust. the fix would be to put it back and stop using the money for anything and everything congress wants to spend it on.


Then you should also look at Biden who during the primary said things like Obama isn't qualified, no experience etc now, somehow in a matter of a few weeks he becomes the most adept and wise man he has ever known. Please.


Funny Obama wouldn't qualify for a top security clearance because of his associations with extreme leftist radicals but somehow he will be or most likely be in the position anyway.


Oh and in case you havent studied any government, the President doesn't control spending congress does and the congress likes to spend your money. Now with all three branches in DumboH control stand by, you will be in an even more dire financial state.


Also as I recall because I was off lay off during the Carter years remember those. unemployemtn at 10% interest retes at 21% yeah Reagan screwed us,yeah sure he did. Clinton didn't change much other than the earn income credit but he didn't have to since the economy was doing just fine. Now if you want to talk about balanced budget you would have to dig a bit to find that the GAO changed the way the government accounted for most everything while Clinton was in his last term to show he had a balanced budget.


Honestly I don't care for either of these candidates but when I see an additional $1,000,000,000,000.00 being spent on more entitlement programs I see a problem. Neither of the candidates will come any where near balancing the national budget. Remember we are still paying for some of the problems that arose from the great depression. That idea of national health are is a pipe dream if you expect the quality of health care to remain the same. All you have to do is look at the socialized countries of the world and now we want the same for US??


YOUR TAXES ARE GOING UP AND IN A BIG WAY! Remember it was $250K then $200 then $150 then $120 can any one see a trend here. By Jan it will be $42K



When I see him (Obama) say he will bankrupt the Coal industry, when I see him say he will set up a Civilian National Security force with equal funding like the our defense spending I see more and more problems, can you say KGB, Gestapo, and truth squads? Lastly, when I hear Louis Farahkan call Obama the new mesiah, I really have a problem.


The President shall make no laws or enact any tariffs without the approval of the people, which means"Congress"






When it happens please go home and blame the person who voted for all those wonderful chanes.

Edited by mikem12
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This is for all u dumbies

The CARBON TAX that obama wants will not only as obama said QUOTE "Were gonna bankrupt the coal industry" will also effect ALL INDUSTRY FACTORIES including the STEEL workers and

YES FORD and GM will be put out of business in the USA plants. ALL there production will be forced offshore!! FORD wont only go bankrupt they may go out of business like Chrysler is!!!!!!

And obama said QUOTE' were gonna make the electric rates sky rocket" SO everyone will get there small ass $500 check and pay $double there current electric bill which will hurt ALL COMPANIES and hurt SENIORS the most the very same people he claims hes helping!!!!!!

YA lets get a carbon tax and oh ya did Obama fail to mention in his plan CHINA MEXICO and INDIA are exempt from it!! So ALL our factory jobs will move to countries with NO environmental laws!! Im sure that will help with there made up global warming theory!!!!!!!!

Dont forget EGYPT had a vast farming plain in biblical times and oh ya I guess the automobile caused it to turn to sand!!!!!!!! right?????

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This is for all u dumbies


Go home and suck your thumb. For over a year, all anyone has had to do is read what you say and go in the opposite direction, and they come out ok.


YOU and the vast majority of people that are left posting here are a disgrace to thinking people. There actually is no reason to drop in and read this drivel anymore, because it's always the same, especially coming out of your mouth. Since no one will listen to you in real life, you are only left with a site like this to find someone that will agree or listen to you, how pathetic.


YOU FRIGGEN LOST, that makes you a LOSER and it comes from your own mouth! Stupid fuck can't see the forest for the trees!

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McCain will win!

realclearpolitics has the map they were right on the money last 2 elections

There are alot of tossup states and McCain will take everyone and take pennsylvania the democratic party can think there abortion stand and marriage rights stand again for there loss!!! As well as there anti gun stand. and there making fun of RED NECKS will cost them pennsylvania and the election, nice job guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red Neck hillbillies are a patriotic,NRA member, Church going God loving people who love there country and fought in our wars why the dems put them down shows they have no clue.

They learned nothing from the master Bill Clinton all he did was win, never lost an election in arkansas and for president because he kept his mouth shut on social issues until after he got elected!!

And the dems can think themselves for not having Hillary because she would have beat McCain hands down!!!!

Maybe in 2012 we can get a real union rights party!!!!!A 3rd party

2012 GOP=Palin


Labor party=?????????


This is what gets me through the day.

#1 It took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan.

#2 It's in God's hands.

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This is for all u dumbies

The CARBON TAX that obama wants will not only as obama said QUOTE "Were gonna bankrupt the coal industry" will also effect ALL INDUSTRY FACTORIES including the STEEL workers and

YES FORD and GM will be put out of business in the USA plants. ALL there production will be forced offshore!! FORD wont only go bankrupt they may go out of business like Chrysler is!!!!!!

And obama said QUOTE' were gonna make the electric rates sky rocket" SO everyone will get there small ass $500 check and pay $double there current electric bill which will hurt ALL COMPANIES and hurt SENIORS the most the very same people he claims hes helping!!!!!!

YA lets get a carbon tax and oh ya did Obama fail to mention in his plan CHINA MEXICO and INDIA are exempt from it!! So ALL our factory jobs will move to countries with NO environmental laws!! Im sure that will help with there made up global warming theory!!!!!!!!

Dont forget EGYPT had a vast farming plain in biblical times and oh ya I guess the automobile caused it to turn to sand!!!!!!!! right?????


I agree 100%

The sad part is that Global Warming is a HOAX. That's why it was Global Cooling in the mid 70's, then Global Warming in the 90's and now it is called "Climate Change" That way no matter what happens the Libs can blame mankind and tax, tax, tax. It is the perfect way of controlling our lives. Fits llike glove when you compare it to Socialism.

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According to the Library of Congress public voting records for Barack Obama indicate he voted NO on 6/30/05 Vote number 170: S 1307 on a bill to establish a free trade zone between the US, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua ; a separate agreement with the Dominican Republic was also included in the measure. umm CAFTA


McCain voted yes on the same bill.


Sure you may be making more money with Bush in than Clinton, I cant site anything that has helped the American autoworkers but I can not find one good thing about trade agreements that encourages companies to move work out of the US.



Fatso, simply speaking as a autoworker in this country I will also site Clinton did sign onto NAFTA. While our northern counterparts make near equal wages this agreement basically told me as an American autoworker near slave labor is except able. While there was a slight minimum wage increase while Clinton was in office by signing this agreement Clinton without words said it is OK to Not make sure workers have a livable wage and safety standards in the work place.


At least you are honest,

I sight the wages under bush because in the plant, all i ever here is how great the economy was under clinton. Yet, the same reasons his economy was good, are the same problems that caused this economy to collapse, ie..ultra low interest rate, dot com IPO's, housing market loans.


If anyone really thinks that one president over another will get back the jobs we have lost, are really not looking at reality or history. the auto industry has done nothing but lose jobs due to business decisions and market forces. I would rather vote for the candidate who will do the best job running the country, not pandering to the unions with nothing to back it up.

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fuck you ya pussy racist

he was just being an american

way to go fatso fuck the condor puss



Wow, it's hard for me to believe that if you have anything to say Obomba it some how becomes racist to ask a second time. I personally wouldn't give a rats ass if he was so white you could see through him. He is still a radical left leaning limb wristed liberal and you ate his bulls shit like it was an ice cream sunday.


you sat in wrights church for 20 years and never heard an anti american word said. let's see he said he went twice a month for 20 how many times is that in this church?? 480 times and never heard a thing. He must have been sleeping during that part.


he said Ayers was just a neighbor down the street but served on the Board of directors with him, and launched he political carreer in Ayers living room but he didn't reallize he was such an unrepentant terrorist.


I don't have time to list all of his radical friends I'd be here till after the election. Point anytime you ask him he sluffs it off with a quick little answer then after that anyone who asks again must be a racist. what a bunch of cow plop.


Mesiah my ass!


drink the kool aid! wow what a moron

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McCain will win!

realclearpolitics has the map they were right on the money last 2 elections

There are alot of tossup states and McCain will take everyone and take pennsylvania the democratic party can think there abortion stand and marriage rights stand again for there loss!!! As well as there anti gun stand. and there making fun of RED NECKS will cost them pennsylvania and the election, nice job guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red Neck hillbillies are a patriotic,NRA member, Church going God loving people who love there country and fought in our wars why the dems put them down shows they have no clue.

They learned nothing from the master Bill Clinton all he did was win, never lost an election in arkansas and for president because he kept his mouth shut on social issues until after he got elected!!

And the dems can think themselves for not having Hillary because she would have beat McCain hands down!!!!

Maybe in 2012 we can get a real union rights party!!!!!A 3rd party

2012 GOP=Palin


Labor party=?????????






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Go home and suck your thumb. For over a year, all anyone has had to do is read what you say and go in the opposite direction, and they come out ok.


YOU and the vast majority of people that are left posting here are a disgrace to thinking people. There actually is no reason to drop in and read this drivel anymore, because it's always the same, especially coming out of your mouth. Since no one will listen to you in real life, you are only left with a site like this to find someone that will agree or listen to you, how pathetic.


YOU FRIGGEN LOST, that makes you a LOSER and it comes from your own mouth! Stupid fuck can't see the forest for the trees!

HAHA I laugh at post like yours!! U read all CSMJ post admit it !!!!

U R partly right though CSMJ post the opposite so as to get responses like yours :hysterical:

Look back CSMJ supports mccain then slams him then supports obama then not CSMJ go against the daily news flow!!!

As they say at the amusement park WE GOT AAAA NOTHER one!!!!!!! :hysterical::hysterical:

OH CSMJ see forest now :hysterical::hysterical:

SERIOUSLY though the Supreme Court will rule 5-4 that Obama was born in Kenya as his Kenyan grandmother said!! GO watch what she said on youtube worldnetdaily com has a link she said it!!

Edited by CSMJ
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Now that McCain needs some other way to contribute,,,'MAVERICK' can fly over Iran and drop George Bush!Then he can keep going to Hanoi and say "I`m Baaaack,you can`t have this many years of PEACE it is simply not good for business"Obama has a quality that McCain will NEVER have,it is called 'compassion'

Edited by Fatso
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McCain will win!

realclearpolitics has the map they were right on the money last 2 elections

There are alot of tossup states and McCain will take everyone and take pennsylvania the democratic party can think there abortion stand and marriage rights stand again for there loss!!! As well as there anti gun stand. and there making fun of RED NECKS will cost them pennsylvania and the election, nice job guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red Neck hillbillies are a patriotic,NRA member, Church going God loving people who love there country and fought in our wars why the dems put them down shows they have no clue.

They learned nothing from the master Bill Clinton all he did was win, never lost an election in arkansas and for president because he kept his mouth shut on social issues until after he got elected!!

And the dems can think themselves for not having Hillary because she would have beat McCain hands down!!!!

Maybe in 2012 we can get a real union rights party!!!!!A 3rd party

2012 GOP=Palin


Labor party=?????????


Wrong again!!! Obama 297 :happy feet:

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BARRACK OBAMA WINS!After years of the Republicans neglecting the Domestic Automobile Industry.Give Obama a chance.Nothing is more important than having a job. The UAW is a business and will do what is necessary to keep Ford,GM,and maybe Chrysler solvent.I expect the contract to be opened up and concession`s granted.

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BARRACK OBAMA WINS!After years of the Republicans neglecting the Domestic Automobile Industry.Give Obama a chance.Nothing is more important than having a job. The UAW is a business and will do what is necessary to keep Ford,GM,and maybe Chrysler solvent.I expect the contract to be opened up and concession`s granted.

Starting to pass the word now , If they reopen the contract we only settle if the executives take the same performance bonus hourly workers do 3% .


By my calculations on a 2 million a year salary that would come out to a 60,000 dollar bonus, a far cry from the tens of millions they have been giving out during this whole automotive crisis.

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It was LBJ who looked at SS and said hey look at all that money, we need to change how it is handled, and put it in the general fund from being in a locked trust. the fix would be to put it back and stop using the money for anything and everything congress wants to spend it on.


Then you should also look at Biden who during the primary said things like Obama isn't qualified, no experience etc now, somehow in a matter of a few weeks he becomes the most adept and wise man he has ever known. Please.


Funny Obama wouldn't qualify for a top security clearance because of his associations with extreme leftist radicals but somehow he will be or most likely be in the position anyway.


Oh and in case you havent studied any government, the President doesn't control spending congress does and the congress likes to spend your money. Now with all three branches in DumboH control stand by, you will be in an even more dire financial state.


Also as I recall because I was off lay off during the Carter years remember those. unemployemtn at 10% interest retes at 21% yeah Reagan screwed us,yeah sure he did. Clinton didn't change much other than the earn income credit but he didn't have to since the economy was doing just fine. Now if you want to talk about balanced budget you would have to dig a bit to find that the GAO changed the way the government accounted for most everything while Clinton was in his last term to show he had a balanced budget.


Honestly I don't care for either of these candidates but when I see an additional $1,000,000,000,000.00 being spent on more entitlement programs I see a problem. Neither of the candidates will come any where near balancing the national budget. Remember we are still paying for some of the problems that arose from the great depression. That idea of national health are is a pipe dream if you expect the quality of health care to remain the same. All you have to do is look at the socialized countries of the world and now we want the same for US??


YOUR TAXES ARE GOING UP AND IN A BIG WAY! Remember it was $250K then $200 then $150 then $120 can any one see a trend here. By Jan it will be $42K



When I see him (Obama) say he will bankrupt the Coal industry, when I see him say he will set up a Civilian National Security force with equal funding like the our defense spending I see more and more problems, can you say KGB, Gestapo, and truth squads? Lastly, when I hear Louis Farahkan call Obama the new mesiah, I really have a problem.


The President shall make no laws or enact any tariffs without the approval of the people, which means"Congress"






When it happens please go home and blame the person who voted for all those wonderful chanes.

Well said brother.

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Starting to pass the word now , If they reopen the contract we only settle if the executives take the same performance bonus hourly workers do 3% .


By my calculations on a 2 million a year salary that would come out to a 60,000 dollar bonus, a far cry from the tens of millions they have been giving out during this whole automotive crisis.

Wow I totally missed the thread this was suppose to be under ...guess the beer is starting to take effect.

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HAHA I laugh at post like yours!! U read all CSMJ post admit it !!!!

U R partly right though CSMJ post the opposite so as to get responses like yours :hysterical:

Look back CSMJ supports mccain then slams him then supports obama then not CSMJ go against the daily news flow!!!

As they say at the amusement park WE GOT AAAA NOTHER one!!!!!!! :hysterical::hysterical:

OH CSMJ see forest now :hysterical::hysterical:

SERIOUSLY though the Supreme Court will rule 5-4 that Obama was born in Kenya as his Kenyan grandmother said!! GO watch what she said on youtube worldnetdaily com has a link she said it!!



Usually when I see your name that posted, you just get passed by...


Got some news for you skinhead, Start Drinking Heavily, and Idaho would be a good place for you to live in.


Can someone that works with you, cause an industrial accident, so the rest of us are spared?

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