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Tea Party NY Gov Candidate's E-Mails Exposed: Racism, Porn, Bestiality






An online news outlet in New York state has obtained dozens of emails, many of them racist and sexually graphic, which it reports were sent by Carl Paladino, the Tea-Party-backed Republican candidate for governor of New York, to a long list of political and business associates. One email shows a video of an African tribal dance, entitled "Obama Inauguration Rehearsal," while another depicts hardcore bestiality.


Paladino's campaign manager, Michael Caputo, would not comment on specific emails, but acknowledged to TPMmuckraker that Paladino had sent emails that were "off-color" and "politically incorrect," saying that few such emails represented the candidate's own opinion. Caputo accused Democrats of wanting to change the subject from substantive issues to "having sex with horses."




Has some great pictures . . . :drop:


Every one of these was originally sent by or forwarded by Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino. WNYMedia.net has confirmed their authenticity through several sources and different means. They’re real.


Although many of the emails included anti-Obama birther claims, and others were just pictures of naked women, (one of each was sent to Paladino by a current Republican candidate for Volker’s seat in the State Senate).


Some of Paladino’s emails contain hardcore pornography. One contains a video clip involving bestiality. Other emails display an attitude of misogyny or blatant racism – the latter being an issue with which Paladino already has a problem, given his past dealings with, and criticisms of Antoine Thompson, Jim Pitts, Byron Brown, and Dr. James Williams.


So much for good ol' conservative family values . . . . :hysterical:

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Tea Party NY Gov Candidate's E-Mails Exposed: Racism, Porn, Bestiality









Has some great pictures . . . :drop:



So much for good ol' conservative family values . . . . :hysterical:

HMMM!! Bill Clinton musta started the Tea Party, then???

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Facebook damage control


Carl Paladino MESSAGE FROM CARL: The Liberal elite are hysterical; they are panicking because they know we're coming. If they want me to back down, they will be disappointed. I'm not proud of everything I've done in my life - who is? - but I sure as Hell don't run from anything I've done in my life. I'm not a racist. I'm not a sexist. I am average. Your continued support and kind words steel my resolve. Thank you all. -CP
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Tea Party NY Gov Candidate's E-Mails Exposed: Racism, Porn, Bestiality


No....but if a person rolls around with pigs they shouldn't be surprised if people tell them they stink.

If the fellow Tea Partiers stick with this guy, you have a legitimate point.


As for me, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they weren't aware of this guy's questionable inclinations until now.

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Tea Party NY Gov Candidate's E-Mails Exposed: Racism, Porn, Bestiality









Has some great pictures . . . :drop:



So much for good ol' conservative family values . . . . :hysterical:


They don't have a legitimate response to the message, so they attack the messenger. The bulk of Tea Party is the middle class; the productive sector of America, warts and all. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. When they gain power, they will bite back. They will put the run to the useless low-life cry-babies and take away their titty bottles.

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If the fellow Tea Partiers stick with this guy, you have a legitimate point.


As for me, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they weren't aware of this guy's questionable inclinations until now.


First of all, I hope everyone understood that I was being sarcastic. :lol:


Second of all, I agree. If the Tea Party doesn't cut and run from this douchebag, then they only have themselves to blame when they are saddled with the label that I jokingly gave them.

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First of all, I hope everyone understood that I was being sarcastic. :lol:


Second of all, I agree. If the Tea Party doesn't cut and run from this douchebag, then they only have themselves to blame when they are saddled with the label that I jokingly gave them.


If anyone wants to call a huge segment of the population racist, sexist and homophobic, it is they who will lose credibility. What they need to do in a hurry is address the legitimate issues that the Tea Party is raising. It is obvious from their mudslinging tactics that they are unable to do this. The Tea Party has it's roots in the other Tea Party. They defeated Britain, against all odds. They will also defeat this latest threat to freedom.

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  • 2 years later...

It's ok - they're forgiven. LINK

And they will encourage their fellow travelers to embrace the red state ethic -- the very opposite of the blue state one I discussed above -- personal license and public intolerance, where every sin I commit is forgiven, but you, well you need to live a better life.
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Would that be like liberals who favor gun control and ridicule others' fear of crime but employ armed sercurity guards and sometimes even get caught carrying a gun, or favor stricter laws covering sexual harrassment until one of their own gets caught, or push for higher taxes even though they conveniently forget to pay them, or global warming believers who jet around the globe to lavish conferences and live in huge mansions?


Inquiring minds would love to know...

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I don't know any of these liberals of whom you speak - but I have had some very interesting conversations with just the type of Conservatives the author of that link stereotypes. Oh boy have I. You could cut the pent up tension with a knife (and I'm talking the tension between their suppressed sexuality and their prim exteriors, not the tension between us politically).

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While I believe or I hope that this isn't widespread in the TP, I agree with what Nick says. Whether you agree with the TP message, how they handle a situation like this will determine how well they shed their reputation as the party of white, male, ultra-conservatives with above average incomes.


They need to not only run from this guy, but call him out for the behavior. Silence in a case like this doesn't help their cause. Given this scumbags past reputation, I wouldn't think this would be a big problem for them.

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I don't know any of these liberals of whom you speak - but I have had some very interesting conversations with just the type of Conservatives the author of that link stereotypes. Oh boy have I. You could cut the pent up tension with a knife (and I'm talking the tension between their suppressed sexuality and their prim exteriors, not the tension between us politically).

Have you fallen into the trap of believing that your "very interesting conversations with just the type of Conservatives the author of that link stereotypes" extends to all Tea Party supporters and/or conservatives in general?


The author speaks of the "Red State" model and the "Blue State" model. Basically he is suggesting that my home state of North Carolina has a majority of persons who marry as a result of an unplanned pregnancy in a shotgun wedding, winding up in divorce and single parenthood. And if I am offended, then that is just the way things are.


This is somehow acceptable, whereas if I exchanged the term "Red State" with "African American", about the only change I'd have to make is the "shotgun wedding" part; since most are born out of wedlock. I'd also probably be labeled a racist (even if the facts support the premise); and many persons would take offense.


Were we to meet on the street (and you didn't know who I was), you might think me as "prim" (and tense due to sexual repression). I would think of myself as private, and choose not to express myself so openly. I also consider that as being considerate.

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I don't know any of these liberals of whom you speak - but I have had some very interesting conversations with just the type of Conservatives the author of that link stereotypes. Oh boy have I. You could cut the pent up tension with a knife (and I'm talking the tension between their suppressed sexuality and their prim exteriors, not the tension between us politically).


You mean you didn't know that the head of The New York Times, a staunch supporter ot the city's firearms permit process, which makes it virtually impossible for the average Joe or Jane to obtain a concealed carry permit, carries his OWN gun? That Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner conveniently "forgot" to pay his taxes, and this came out during his confirmation process? You missed the feminist silence when President Clinton was charged with the same behavior that they had aggressively condemned in 1992, during the fallout over the Clarence Thomas hearings? You never read about Al Gore's mansion in Tennessee, or the meetings to discuss the threat of global warming that require participants to jet all over the globe?


Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


And maybe some people prefer not to talk about sex in public. As they say, those who talk the most generally do the least...especially when it comes to sex and military service.

Edited by grbeck
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While I believe or I hope that this isn't widespread in the TP, I agree with what Nick says. Whether you agree with the TP message, how they handle a situation like this will determine how well they shed their reputation as the party of white, male, ultra-conservatives with above average incomes.


They need to not only run from this guy, but call him out for the behavior. Silence in a case like this doesn't help their cause. Given this scumbags past reputation, I wouldn't think this would be a big problem for them.


Let's see...we have one allegedly racist individual in the Tea Party movement, along with one Tea Party member who stepped on the head of a female counterprotester at a Tea Party event in the Midwest last year (and other Tea Party members promptly came to the woman's aid).


Well, some Tea Party members did carry guns to the events, but it turns out that this was legal. Ooops!


Meanwhile, we have numerous sexual assaults occurring at the various Occupy camps, five members of the Occupy Cleveland chapter are charged with attempting to bomb a bridge, members of the Occupy Seattle movement vandalized several businesses and members of Occupy San Francisco chapter smashed car and store windows during protests.


Using the standard you enunciated in your post, maybe the reason the Occupy movement has faded away is that it couldn't shed its reputation as a haven for juvenile thugs and outright criminals...

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maybe the reason the Occupy movement has faded away


Please keep believing that — it's very important that you and others, especially the Kochtopus and the other Gopper elites feel that way.


This will explain why, when, almost eighty years ago, some young men saw a similar protest, and decided to do something about it. :)

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Please keep believing that — it's very important that you and others, especially the Kochtopus and the other Gopper elites feel that way.


This will explain why, when, almost eighty years ago, some young men saw a similar protest, and decided to do something about it. :)


So becoming a traitor on behalf of a regime that, in the long run, was as bad as Nazi Germany in its oppression of its own people and spreading misery to other nations under its thrall, is justified? That's quite a stretch.


And I'll take the libertarian Koch brothers over billionaire George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, currency manipulator and supporter of liberal causes.


When the President of the United States, and his party, after initially embracing the movement, have run as far away from it as possible, I'd say that it is fading away.


If we are going to judge a movement by the behavior of its members, which seems to be the point of this thread, then it's apparent that the Occupy movement has far more to explain than the Tea Party movement. Unless sending a racist e-mail message and stepping on a counterprotester's head are worse than sexual assault, vandalism, attempted bombings and destruction of private property. I doubt that most people would agree.

Edited by grbeck
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So obviously, the only logical conclusion is that all Tea Party members are racist misogynists, of course. :yup:


No, but many have been suspicious of a racist undercurrent in the Tea Party. Why else keep pushing this Birther movement for four long years as it won't stop if Obama wins re-election. Mitt's Dad ran for president, and there was no big deal that he was born in Mexico. Obama is communist, a Muslim, and on and on. What Obama is is a good family man with morals at least until someone proves otherwise. And he is a pragmatist that he has stated many times. I'm not in love with Obama, and he has disappointed me politically as leader, but from what I can observe he seems to be a good man. A man to be respected.

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