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I didn't have to wait till tomorrow

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After months of the "End of the Democratic Party" posts, the "Democrats will riot when they lose" posts, and a host of other silliness, it looks like Obama has won another four years. For those of you that have been predicting his doom for a second term since day one of his first term....it looks as if you were wrong. Eat up.



Now hopefully we can forget about this partisan nonsense and actually try to get something done to get the country going again.

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Disappointed? Yes. Mad? No. There is no reason to get mad, because I believe the country is bigger than one President or one Congress.


But my thoughts hover around the simple question, what has changed? Obama has been re-elected, so has the Republican House, and Democratic Senate.


I expect the same attitudes will prevail, and we will continue along the same, slow growth (virtually no growth) path we've followed the last few quarters.

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For the first time in my life.....










I am truly afraid of my fellow Americans.



Does anyone else realize giving Obama a second term perpetuates an explosive expansion of federal spending and power.


It's a dangerous precedent to establish.


We'll never be able to put the Genie back in the bottle.

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For the first time in my life.....I am truly afraid of my fellow Americans.


Does anyone else realize giving Obama a second term perpetuates an explosive expansion of federal spending and power.


It's a dangerous precedent to establish.


We'll never be able to put the Genie back in the bottle.


I think that Genie has been out of the bottle since 2001. Look whether we agree on who the president should be we both know that the harsh interrogation techniques, warrant-less wiretaps, the Patriot act and the "Deficits don't matter view of the Bush/Cheney admin was the starting place. They opened Pandora's box, they break the seal on the bottle. Obama didn't put the cork back in the bottle and Romney wasn't going to put any of that back. He might have lowered the deficit and cut entitlement spending but he wasn't going to even try to balance the budget. Just take it down enough to get people to ease up. It's foolish to believe anything would have changed.

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Disappointed? Yes. Mad? No. There is no reason to get mad, because I believe the country is bigger than one President or one Congress.


But my thoughts hover around the simple question, what has changed? Obama has been re-elected, so has the Republican House, and Democratic Senate.


I expect the same attitudes will prevail, and we will continue along the same, slow growth (virtually no growth) path we've followed the last few quarters.


I expected the same with Romney. There's nothing he'll do that will increase the economy. Cutting taxes doesn't do it and austerity measures don't do it. The economy of 3 to 4 percent growth is gone in America. We reached a zenith and only managed the growth we did for so many years above that by cheating. By leveraging ourselves into one hellacious correction.

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You are too short sighted. I am talking about the "progressive" tolerance for abuse of office. Everyone loves "their guy" expanding powers to accomplish what he cannot do when opposed by the checks and balances. But, that's the genie. The next administration faces similar impediments and circumvents the next obstacle. But, the party in power has no issue, right? So it is tolerated again. The next administration can use the same tactics and "progressively" advances. And THEY will have no problem with accomplishing their agenda at any cost. "With or without Congress."


You and the others here think I am a republican or fan boy. Not either. I am an American and I have been trying to open eyes to the dangers of accepting wrong doing as long as the ends justify the means.


Will YOU stand up against abuse of power or are you willing to sell America so you can get "your goodies", free phones, free birth control, free health care, free internet, political favors, financial benefit through legislation, ............what ever you want to get out of your president?

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What happens when you build an economy around the idea that a small minority should pay for the vast majority? The minority will eventually get fed up. From the New York Post:

“They’re able to do what they do from any place in the world, and they’re choosing to do it from places with much lower tax rates,” he said.

“Some are philosophically disgusted at the course our country is taking in all kinds of ways. They’re making a strong protest of, ‘Enough is enough,’ ” said Duggan. “But largely it’s an economic decision.”

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You know, I was going to post how stupid Americans are and "screw you, you get what you deserve now".

But instead, here is my honest view;

Imagine the parents having a child and having complete control. Then having a second child who wants "equal voting". Then having a third child and with the third kid, they out number the parents. Now you have three kids voting for higher allowances, everything free and never moving out. The parents have to keep working longer and harder to keep up with the demands of the "majority".

Eventually, mom and pop are going to either die. Then the battle begins tearing the house apart looking for food or money.


The states are now officially in the position of having more "gimme" voters than "worker" voters.



Damn, in the words of Washington, "it was a great experiment"



The economy will slowly improve in spite of obama, not because of him....the people will gush...and fawn over the messiah in the church of government.



United States of Rome....

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You are too short sighted. I am talking about the "progressive" tolerance for abuse of office. Everyone loves "their guy" expanding powers to accomplish what he cannot do when opposed by the checks and balances. But, that's the genie. The next administration faces similar impediments and circumvents the next obstacle. But, the party in power has no issue, right? So it is tolerated again. The next administration can use the same tactics and "progressively" advances. And THEY will have no problem with accomplishing their agenda at any cost. "With or without Congress."


You and the others here think I am a republican or fan boy. Not either. I am an American and I have been trying to open eyes to the dangers of accepting wrong doing as long as the ends justify the means.


Will YOU stand up against abuse of power or are you willing to sell America so you can get "your goodies", free phones, free birth control, free health care, free internet, political favors, financial benefit through legislation, ............what ever you want to get out of your president?


Other than you, i don't know of any conservatives who want the genie back in the bottle for real. For them it's about who they are watching not if.

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You know, I was going to post how stupid Americans are and "screw you, you get what you deserve now".


And we would've thought who gives a F$%^ what this Canadian thinks!


But instead, here is my honest view;

Imagine the parents having a child and having complete control. Then having a second child who wants "equal voting". Then having a third child and with the third kid, they out number the parents. Now you have three kids voting for higher allowances, everything free and never moving out. The parents have to keep working longer and harder to keep up with the demands of the "majority".

Eventually, mom and pop are going to either die. Then the battle begins tearing the house apart looking for food or money.


The states are now officially in the position of having more "gimme" voters than "worker" voters.


Damn, in the words of Washington, "it was a great experiment"


The economy will slowly improve in spite of obama, not because of him....the people will gush...and fawn over the messiah in the church of government.


United States of Rome....


And we still think who gives a F#ck what this Canadian thinks!

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And we still think who gives a F#ck what this Canadian thinks!

He's probably pretty close to the truth. California is a good example. They voted on two tax proposals. One essentially raised taxes on those making more than $250,000. It passed. The other proposal would raise everyone's taxes. It failed. It seems people are always willing to raise someone else's taxes, but don't want to pay more themselves.


By the way, the failed proposal would have provided extra money for education.

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Maybe they did get a message. For me that message is we have to get it together and fast. It's not a message of hey we like gridlock but a message of "Ok kids, you have to all play nice in the sandbox!" But perhaps you guys are right and we just voted for gridlock.


In the last 24 hours........


.....I've heard Boehner say that he'd be willing to relent on (certain) tax increases in exchange for spending cuts ("without compromising conservative principles" or something like that);

.....I've heard Obama make similar overtures; and

.....I've heard Reid say he will change the rules to limit Senate minority filibusters.

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There you are Cocheese. Have a GOOD NIGHT if you can? :stirpot:



I love that your life is so empty, that the first thought you had was to log on to BON and start another new thread and dedicate it to me. It shows how much I’ve gotten to you, and how you are struggling to deal with it. Tell me dad, did your kids decide abandon you because of your obsession of me, or did this obsession happen after your kids left you?


How about you keep an eye on the scoreboard that reports your National debt?


With Tuesday's return of President Barack Obama to the White House, the case could be made that Americans have gone mad.


Every hour - as in every 60 minutes of every day of every week of Obama's first term in office - his administration was spending what now amounts to $188 million in money that the United States does not have.


And that's just out of Washington alone. It does not include state or municipal debt.


Another $188 million in federal red ink. Every hour. 24/7. All on a taxpayer credit card that is already maxed out.


If Obama 2.0 is not better than the beta version posing as Obama 1.0, the federal debt of the United States will hit $20 trillion by 2014, a figure so indescribably huge that there is not enough liquid cash in the world to bail it out.


Perspective? The former dwarf planet Pluto is only 3.5 billion miles from Earth, or 5.6 billion klicks.


Want something around 20 trillion miles away? Try Alpha Centauri, the closest exo-planet to Earth. It's out there in another solar system some 24 trillion miles into space.


That's how out of this world America's debt is.


So what were Americans thinking?


The harsh reality is that American power and influence under Obama has plummeted.


Once the world largest economic power, it is on the verge of bankruptcy, and having its dollar no longer the gold standard in foreign currency.


No longer is it so feared militarily that all it has to do is rattle a sabre. Think, for example, of the weak response to Benghazi, and the spin of a lie that it was all about an anti-Muslim video and had nothing to do with terrorism.


Obama looked soft because he was.


Throughout his first term, Obama blamed the bitterly partisan Republicans in Congress for foiling his economic agenda, claiming his "reaching out" was shunned and ridiculed.


But then, just two days ago, he showed his true colours and his personal intransigence by telling Americans to get their "revenge" with an anti-Republican vote.


That's not the kind of word used by consensus seekers.


But he got him re-elected.


God bless America.


Divine intervention will be needed.


You wanted this mess, you’re gonna get it. Good luck. Elections have consequences. And judging by the Dow drop, those consequences have started to begin


BTW, dad who is Obama going to blame now for his failures? Is it still Bush’s fault, or is he going to be a leader and take responsibility for it?

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And we would've thought who gives a F$%^ what this Canadian thinks!


And we still think who gives a F#ck what this Canadian thinks!


By not refuting his point, you proved you can't respond and that he is spot on.


And you might want to care what we think, after all we elected a leader who has kept us out of the shit you're guy drove you full speed into

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