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Voted Early Today

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I'm sure Obama REALLY wants everyone to vote early....before the truth comes out.


Libya, damning enough isn't the only threat to his charade.


Anyone realize Obama accepts donations from Osama Bin Laden? From Pakistani I.P. address, on a disposable debit card, from a fraudulent non-existent zip code.


And this is not the first presidential campaign he has done so?


Who cares if he accepts donations, on two separate campaigns, from unknown foreign donors?


Or are you willing to turn a blind eye or say "wait for all the facts to come out" because Obama winning is more important than how he won or who he is working for?

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So, since deer season starts 3 days before election day, I went ahead and voted today.


It took about 5 minutes, as I actually voted for the best candidates, not a straight republican ticket like most people.


Has anyone else voted early?


Deer season doesn't start here until after the election, so I will just wait until election day. :)


I may check a few Dems on my ticket as well...

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I voted last Thursday. I was at the courthouse anyway registering my new (to me) 95 F150. :)


How's the new ride treating ya? I talked with a guy tonight that has an '89 F250 regular cab, pretty plain, with only 57k miles on it. Sharp looking truck! I'm developing a sweet spot for the late 80's to early 90's trucks.

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I voted last week, first day. Everyone should vote for the candidates that best represents their interests. Do your own research, and don't let anyone from either side sway you with silly partisan rhetoric.



Get out and exercise your rights as an American citizen.

Edited by the_spaniard
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I voted last week, first day. Everyone should vote for the candidates that best represents their interests. Do your own research, and don't let anyone from either side sway you with silly partisan rhetoric.



Get out and exercise your rights as an American citizen.


"Give me mine". Voting for ones interests is what has led us to where we are.


Partisan politics aside, vote for the candidates that will not use their office for personal gain, pander to the dumb masses for votes, selectively obey laws, ignore their oath of office and defend the constitution of the United States.

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"Give me mine". Voting for ones interests is what has led us to where we are.

Not at all. Not compromising has gotten us where we are. Both parties guilty of that.

For example, me not voting for a pro life candidate ( I'll never vote for a pro-life candidate.) didn't crash the economy.



Partisan politics aside, vote for the candidates that will not use their office for personal gain, pander to the dumb masses for votes, selectively obey laws, ignore their oath of office and defend the constitution of the United States.


I agree with this, unfortunately neither of the two likely candidates here fit that description.

Edited by the_spaniard
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"Give me mine". Voting for ones interests is what has led us to where we are.

Not at all. Not compromising has gotten us where we are. Both parties guilty of that.

For example, me not voting for a pro life candidate ( I'll never vote for a pro-life candidate.) didn't crash the economy.


Partisan politics aside, vote for the candidates that will not use their office for personal gain, pander to the dumb masses for votes, selectively obey laws, ignore their oath of office and defend the constitution of the United States.

I agree with this, unfortunately neither of the two likely candidates here fit that description.


We agree on the point. We disagree on accepting the status quo.

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Katrina vanden Heuvel


“The Republican vision is clear — ‘I got mine. The rest of you are on your own.’ Republicans say they don’t believe in government. Sure, they do. They believe in government to help themselves and their powerful friends. After all, Mitt Romney is the guy who said corporations are people. No, Governor Romney, corporations are not people.


“People have hearts. They have kids. They get jobs. They get sick. They cry, they dance. They live, they love, and they die, and that matters. That matters because we do not run this country for corporations. We run it for people, and that is why I support Barack Obama.”

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What a complete pile of horseshit!

"He didn’t let his presidential race impede plans for a multimillion-dollar expansion of one of his beach homes, complete with elevators for his cars."

CLASS ENVY MUCH??? How he spends HIS money that HE earned is somehow ANYBODY ELSES BUSINESS???


"He scorned revealing tax returns that would reveal the dodges and havens he exploited to pay a lower rate than do the cops who patrol his streets. DODGES AND HAVENS?? Talk about rumors and bullshit lies...obviously she is the type to start rumors about something she has no proof of, just because she doesn't like the person. HE USED LEGAL "LOOPHOLES" if he didn't, the IRS would be all over him.


"Obama, we know, has few populist bones in his body. " REALLY??? Where do I start with this one? Holy crap...


"He saved the auto industry without nationalizing it." BWAHAHAHA!


She talks of "financial predators" LOL! yeah because guys show up at your door at midnight saying "we're from da bank see...and you'se better take dis loan, see" LOL!


Ed, if this is the kind of ludicrous crap you believe, then I see why you'd support obama...and the easter bunny...and santa claus..and...LOL


She is a certifiable left wing wackjob. There are certainly the same wackjobs on the right as well, just call her for what she is and for cryin' out loud don't cut-paste stuff that makes you look foolish.


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I forgot to add one last telling quip from her;

"lied that he had gone on an apology tour (which would not have been a bad idea)."



So, forget that the left doesn't want to admit that obama travelling to foreign countries and handringing and opologising for everything America did and stood for was an opology tour...she's saying he SHOULD of went on an opology tour! And of course if what he did was not considered an opology tour, I can only imagine what she would consider was a true "opology tour"!

obama showing a tear while he sobbed to the UN about how the US was a terrible country? Promising retribution to every country that felt wrongly influenced in any way/shape or form, from the US??

Really...what the $%^& does she want????


Does she feel guilty about being white? Does she feel guilty about being female? (after all, Adam was good until the evil Eve tempted him with the apple) Maybe she should feel guilty about having a full belly? Lots are hungry.

Oh yeah, she IS a hard left opologist so over-the-top is standard fare for her.


People like her are such hypocrits. I'll sit in my smug little office getting paid to work (capitalism) while drinking my latte (consumerism) and complain about the government (free speech) and why America sucks.


To her and her kind I say GO TO THE UTOPIA YOU SEEK IN RUSSIA OR SOMALIA..then come back and tell me how bad America is.

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It seems to me that it is the Billionaires on the left Soros, Buffett, etc., are supportive of having their tax rates increased.


So they say in public. I'm sure they are every bit appreciative for the current rates and loopholes behind closed doors, as anyone in their right minds should be.

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Well? Does it apply to all of them?


It seems to me that it is the Billionaires on the left Soros, Buffett, etc., are supportive of having their tax rates increased.

Well? Does it apply to all of them?


It seems to me that it is the Billionaires on the left Soros, Buffett, etc., are supportive of having their tax rates increased.


I have yet to hear any real evidence that there is any impediment to them contributing all they want to the IRS.


And I wonder if Buffett still pays Tax Accountants to find ways to pay less? THAT WOULD BE STUPID. Or he doesn't believe what he would have us believe.

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I have yet to hear any real evidence that there is any impediment to them contributing all they want to the IRS.


And I wonder if Buffett still pays Tax Accountants to find ways to pay less? THAT WOULD BE STUPID. Or he doesn't believe what he would have us believe.


If they want to pay more, they should step up and do it. Words are cheap. They need to lead by example. There is NO reason to wait for the tax rates to change. They can pay more in RIGHT NOW.

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If they want to pay more, they should step up and do it. Words are cheap. They need to lead by example. There is NO reason to wait for the tax rates to change. They can pay more in RIGHT NOW.

It's only acceptable when the government forces you to do it, apparently.

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