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Mustang Shelby GT350 Power offically at 526HP/420ft/lb

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desirability/ availability go's hand in hand with higher ATPs and abilty to hold MSRP or above...thus my comments regarding the GT550s..


Question: Is a 2015 F150 Lariat desirable?


Next question: Have they been hard to come by as of late?


Final question: Have they been selling at or above MSRP?

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Some people who would pay $60K for a mustang wouldn't pay $10 for a pickup truck.


Some people who would pay $60K for a F150 wouldn't pay $10 for a mustang.


Some people wouldn't pay $50K for any vehicle ever.


It's not right or wrong just individual preferences. Of course some people believe everyone should share their individual preferences and anyone who doesn't is an idiot.

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akirby...actually no...don't jump so quickly to conclusions, remember, this is based on what I experience at the dealer level.., not personally....but its gonna be hard to get under $350 a month on the GT350.....


Just put 80% down. :)


Seriously, though, do folks that buy GT350s and GT500s finance? Aren't most well-to-do who can just bring in a sack full of 100s?

Edited by fordmantpw
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akirby...actually no...don't jump so quickly to conclusions, remember, this is based on what I experience at the dealer level.., not personally....but its gonna be hard to get under $350 a month on the GT350.....


I was referring to your insistence that a "desirable" vehicle has to sell at MSRP or above.

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when there is more buyers than product...pretty simple deduction akirby.....why would a dealer discount a car when they don't have too?...boy, you've never worked either retail or at a dealer have you?....sheesh. You really need to ask yourself why certain items are hard to get discounts on....

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when there is more buyers than product...pretty simple deduction akirby.....why would a dealer discount a car when they don't have too?...boy, you've never worked either retail or at a dealer have you?....sheesh. You really need to ask yourself why certain items are hard to get discounts on....



Not only that but I think most people don't understand that the real markup on a new vehicle is not the dealership to the customer but in fact the manufacturer to the dealership. Car companies plead poverty every time they turn around while they put billions in profit in the bank every quarter.

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Sheesh yourself. You're putting too much into the word "desirable". What I think you really mean is "desirable" AND "in short supply" THEREFORE resulting in little to no discount or in some cases ADPs. Lots of desirable vehicles can be bought for MSRP or less because supply is not constrained.

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Not only that but I think most people don't understand that the real markup on a new vehicle is not the dealership to the customer but in fact the manufacturer to the dealership. Car companies plead poverty every time they turn around while they put billions in profit in the bank every quarter.


If Ford made $6B (just picking a round number) on sales of 2M vehicles, that means the average profit per vehicle is $3K. The average vehicle costs $30K so that's an average profit of 10%.


That's not a lot considering how much capital the mfr has to invest to actually build the vehicles.


If you have to put $3K on the hood because you built too many you just ate up your profit.


That $1500 flat screen you bought probably yields more profit than a $20K Fiesta.


Furniture has almost a 100% markup (or 50% profit).


And if there was that much margin across the board then you'd see at least one manufacturer undercutting the competition to gain market share while still making money and investing. FCA is doing that but they've had to cut costs and investments and R&D to pull it off and they can't keep doing it.

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Then substitute short supply with high demand for desirable, easier to comprehend ? After all since we were talking about GTs, GT350s, GT500 ( and how it lost its luster, agree or in your usual pattern disagree because theres still some left after 2 years ) and Raptor...I would have thought it was readily apparent....Im not the one stirring the pot here.

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@ Blackhorse...realize some of those companies came close to BK...theres always hiccups...the car business is very susceptible to recessions along with sucker punches like Union strikes, transportation issues and recalls ( Takats costing an arm and a leg for sebveral right now. Then theres ongoing and previous development costs etc etc etc ....its a bit of a profitability crap shoot if you ask me...

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@ Blackhorse...realize some of those companies came close to BK...theres always hiccups...the car business is very susceptible to recessions along with sucker punches like Union strikes, transportation issues and recalls ( Takats costing an arm and a leg for sebveral right now. Then theres ongoing and previous development costs etc etc etc ....its a bit of a profitability crap shoot if you ask me...



True enough, but the same can be said for most businesses.

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So tell me. Do you say that because you, too, are irrelevant and this is a case of 'deep calling to deep'?


Or are you somehow relevant in a manner that has not yet become apparent to the rest of this board?



You don't matter to me. Nothing you say matters to me. It is what it is. Let us not waste all the other posters time demonstrating that.

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You don't matter to me. Nothing you say matters to me. It is what it is. Let us not waste all the other posters time demonstrating that.

Really now? If nothing he says matters to you, you wouldn't respond to him.


Clearly it matters to you on some level whether you will admit it or not.

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call me cheap as well if you wish...I will NOT spend $800 on a car payment, add gas and insurance you are looking well into $1000 plus, my mental hurdle is $350, then again with two mortgages my focus is elsewhere.....


I agree that $800 is far too much for a car payment, but like Akirby said, it all boils down to priorities and how much bank your bringing in.


I'd love to get a GT350 to replace my 2006 Mustang GT...but I'm about 30K short in downpayment $ make my payments affordable in my book :)


The point I was making is that far too many people pull out "it costs too much" just because they can't afford it...I saw it with the 2016 Explorer...people flipping out at the Limiited's 50K+ price, when you can get a nicely equipped one for 20K less with an affordable car payment.

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