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How this Presidential Election WILL affect the UAW or any Union.

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I can't believe a union member is writing the above crap. How do you think you got to where you are in the ford family? I'll tell you how; it was the collective strength of the union. I know you're full of shit as medical hasn't cost $185 a month for at least 20 years. Is it tough to be a member of a group where the group is against the principals that got you where you've gotten? Let's see, a republican union member. What's the slang work for that Len? Is it dumb ass?

Pretty much, davdog. Pretty much. That's what my dad calls them, and he's seen his share after working at Dearborn Stamping Plant for at least 30 of the 45 years he put in with Ford. It absolutely blows my mind (and as an industrial sales rep for two and a half decades, calling on the trades, after I put my time in at DSP, I saw my share of it too) how any working person, especially a blue collar union member, can throw their lot in with the GOP, especially when it's over bullshit social conservative issues. They can't get it through their thick heads on two over riding truths. One, like you alluded to, it's the strength of the union that has got the blue collar middle class what it has today, and it's the GOP that fights it tooth and nail, every f***ing step of the way, including opposing legislation that would make it easier for people to join a union.


Second, it's like Bill Clinton said when he ran against Bush 41 - It's THe Economy, Stupid. Lehman Brothers files for Chapter 11, Merrill Lynch gets bought out by Bank of America, and what does McCain say, today, when he was in Jacksonville, Florida? "The Fundamentals of Our Economy are Strong" What f*cking fundamentals are strong? Foreclosures at a record rate, credit tightening, real incomes starting to fall again, record unemployment, record underemployment, not only uninsured people, but people seriously under insured for medical. Of course, what do you want from a guy who can't remember how many houses he owns.


But hey, as long as they're right there for the republican union members on the bullshit divide-and-distract, in-reality-totally-unimportant phony morality issues, hey, that's what really counts, right?


You know what, davdog? "Dumb ass" is putting it mildly.

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Second, it's like Bill Clinton said when he ran against Bush 41 - It's THe Economy, Stupid. Lehman Brothers files for Chapter 11, Merrill Lynch gets bought out by Bank of America, and what does McCain say, today, when he was in Jacksonville, Florida? "The Fundamentals of Our Economy are Strong" What f*cking fundamentals are strong? Foreclosures at a record rate, credit tightening, real incomes starting to fall again, record unemployment, record underemployment, not only uninsured people, but people seriously under insured for medical.


So voting in Obaaama who has never run anything but his mouth,


... wants to raise taxes on the rich (3/4 of which are small business owners, who have provided nearly all of the growth in this country lately)

.... wants to raise corporate taxes at a time when they are struggling to shore up weak financial positions.

... wants to give the 40% of Americans that don't pay federal income taxes a federal income tax rebate, in other words a handout.

... has promised 900 billion worth of new goverment programs at a time when we can't pay for the ones we have.

... gets up in the morning and reads the polls to decide what his positions are today.

... gave a profound speech about his racist minister saying ..." I could no more disown him than I could my own grandmother.." and a week later threw him under the bus.


yeah, what a great idea!, no thanks, anyone who has paid attention through more than one election cycle knows that all these platforms and plans are B/S most of the things they promise ... don't happen.


What does matter is integrity and John McCain has it and Obama doesn't.

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John was in the fertilized egg business. He had several hundred young hens, called pullets, and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs. He kept records, and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.


This took a lot of time, so he bought some tiny bells and attached them to his roosters. Each bell had a different tone, so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing. Now, he could sit on the porch And fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.


John's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen, but this morning he noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all! When he went to investigate, he saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets, hearing the roosters coming, could run for cover. To John's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.


John was so proud of old Butch, he entered him in the Renfrew County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges. The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the No Bell Piece Prize but they also awarded him the Pulletsurprise as well.


Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the populace and screwing them when they weren't paying attention.


Vote carefully this year, the bells are not always audible.

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So voting in Obaaama who has never run anything but his mouth,


... wants to raise taxes on the rich (3/4 of which are small business owners, who have provided nearly all of the growth in this country lately)

.... wants to raise corporate taxes at a time when they are struggling to shore up weak financial positions.

... wants to give the 40% of Americans that don't pay federal income taxes a federal income tax rebate, in other words a handout.

... has promised 900 billion worth of new goverment programs at a time when we can't pay for the ones we have.

... gets up in the morning and reads the polls to decide what his positions are today.

... gave a profound speech about his racist minister saying ..." I could no more disown him than I could my own grandmother.." and a week later threw him under the bus.


yeah, what a great idea!, no thanks, anyone who has paid attention through more than one election cycle knows that all these platforms and plans are B/S most of the things they promise ... don't happen.


What does matter is integrity and John McCain has it and Obama doesn't.


Great post. These guys actually think they a part of some "movement". When will you libs get it thru your thick skulls? The UAW is a business and thier business is selling labor.

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So voting in Obaaama who has never run anything but his mouth,


... wants to raise taxes on the rich (3/4 of which are small business owners, who have provided nearly all of the growth in this country lately)

.... wants to raise corporate taxes at a time when they are struggling to shore up weak financial positions.

... wants to give the 40% of Americans that don't pay federal income taxes a federal income tax rebate, in other words a handout.

... has promised 900 billion worth of new goverment programs at a time when we can't pay for the ones we have.

... gets up in the morning and reads the polls to decide what his positions are today.

... gave a profound speech about his racist minister saying ..." I could no more disown him than I could my own grandmother.." and a week later threw him under the bus.


yeah, what a great idea!, no thanks, anyone who has paid attention through more than one election cycle knows that all these platforms and plans are B/S most of the things they promise ... don't happen.


What does matter is integrity and John McCain has it and Obama doesn't.

McCain..integrity....r-i-i-g-g-h-t-t. Yea, sure. Damn, is that load of bullshit. John McCain, the antilobbyist, being advised by at least six lobbyists. A review of the Senate Lobbying Discourse records showed eighty, that's 80, register lobbyists raising money for the antilobbyist candidate. Yea, integrity. Moo! Moo-o-o! make way! The GOP cattle are movin' through. Giddy up!
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Great post. These guys actually think they a part of some "movement". When will you libs get it thru your thick skulls? The UAW is a business and thier business is selling labor.
Words of wisdom (more condescending, sanctimonious bullshit) from the antiunion UAW member.
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Great post. These guys actually think they a part of some "movement". When will you libs get it thru your thick skulls? The UAW is a business and thier business is selling labor.


Thanks, here's another example of Obama's integrity...




Quote by Norman Thomas ( six time presidential candidate for the American Socialist Party)

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

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I'm not anti-union at all, I just live in reality. We are industrial athletes. We pay somebody to negotiate our contract just like a football player does.
That's so short sighted, I can't believe it. Who do you think lobbies for worker safety legislation? Unemployment benefits (for everyone, not just union members). Who do you think puts up a fight over the exporting of jobs? Damn, are you are narrow minded.
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That's so short sighted, I can't believe it. Who do you think lobbies for worker safety legislation? Unemployment benefits (for everyone, not just union members). Who do you think puts up a fight over the exporting of jobs? Damn, are you are narrow minded.


Republicans vote based on their morals, not the issues. They think that their morals should be everyone elses morals. Abortion is a perfect example. I have encountered people who will not vote for Obama solely because he is pro choice. Pro choice does not equal pro abortion, but that is how people view it. I know people who have had abortion and to this day it still haunts them, but it was their decision to make, not the government's.


I don't think Republicans want to go to war just like I don't think Democrats believe in taxing the crap out of us. Yes, they have different doctrines, but they are still just people.


I believe Obama is the better choice of the two, not because he is a better person, but because McCain has shown no promise what-so-ever. He sat on the sidelines for 26 years and claimed to be a maverick. Now, he got the Republican nod. Do you honestly think the Republicans would've given him the nod if he was a so called "maverick"?

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So voting in Obaaama who has never run anything but his mouth,


... wants to raise taxes on the rich (3/4 of which are small business owners, who have provided nearly all of the growth in this country lately)

.... wants to raise corporate taxes at a time when they are struggling to shore up weak financial positions.

... wants to give the 40% of Americans that don't pay federal income taxes a federal income tax rebate, in other words a handout.

... has promised 900 billion worth of new goverment programs at a time when we can't pay for the ones we have.

... gets up in the morning and reads the polls to decide what his positions are today.

... gave a profound speech about his racist minister saying ..." I could no more disown him than I could my own grandmother.." and a week later threw him under the bus.


yeah, what a great idea!, no thanks, anyone who has paid attention through more than one election cycle knows that all these platforms and plans are B/S most of the things they promise ... don't happen.


What does matter is integrity and John McCain has it and Obama doesn't.


You are so right mulewright. Obama doesn't even do a good job of running off his mouth without a teleprompter. If Ford doesn't make money we won't as union members and if Ford goes bankrupt, we loose everything. Obama's policies will only cause Ford to loose more money. The high price of oil is mainly why we are in the shape we are in (as well as some poor managerial decisions) and Obama's catering to environmental extremists and not wanting to increase any of our domestic supply of energy is suicidal. Between oil, coal, oil shale, natural gas, nuclear and eventually renewable sources of energy we should never be in the condition we are in today. It was a breath of fresh air to hear Sarah Palin say if elected they will begin a push to increase our domestic supplies of energy January 1st. Obama's campaign has gone lower than low with their lies and deceitful rhetoric. McCain and Palin will do what is right for America and the auto industry and we will all prosper and create more jobs for Americans. The billions of dollars we are sending to foreign countries that for oil must stop. They have my vote come November. By the way, John McCain warned us back in 2005 about Fanny and Freddie and tried to do something to correct the situations with other Republicans but the Democrats headed up by Chris Dodd and Barney Franks stopped them in Congress. Even Donald Trump, who supported Hillary, is throwing his support to McCain.

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Thanks, here's another example of Obama's integrity...




Quote by Norman Thomas ( six time presidential candidate for the American Socialist Party)

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."




I can hear the conversation.


Obama:"Is that Iraq"?

General: "Affirmative" (shaking head)


One of my favorite news photos was Bill Clinton looking over the DMZ while in South Korea. The only problem was that he was looking through binoculars that had the lens caps on.


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Obama's Fannie Mae connection. Obama has no background in economics. Who advises him? the post says its Franklin raines, for advice on martgage and housing policy. Fannie Mae committed extensive financial fraud. Taxpayers stuck with the bill.


Sorry...campaign speak...try again...


The McCain campaign is clearly exaggerating wildly in attempting to depict Franklin Raines as a close adviser to Obama on "housing and mortgage policy." If we are to believe Raines, he did have a couple of telephone conversations with someone in the Obama campaign. But that hardly makes him an adviser to the candidate himself -- and certainly not in the way depicted in the McCain video release.



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Obama and Barney Frank both were listed in the top 25 recipients of campain contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Barney Frank D-Mass the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and Chuck Schumer D-N.Y. a powerful member of the Sanate Banking Committee make clear that congress will never let Fannie and Freddie in their current form be privatized or broken up. Obama the candidate of change criticizes John McCain and George Bush for trying to fix the problem.

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In the early evening of Friday, December 15, 2000, with Christmas break only hours away, the U.S. Senate rushed to pass an essential, 11,000-page government reauthorization bill. In what one legal textbook would later call “a stunning departure from normal legislative practice,” the Senate tacked on a complex, 262-page amendment at the urging of Texas Sen. Phil Gramm.


There was little debate on the floor. According to the Congressional Record, Gramm promised that the amendment—also known as the Commodity Futures Modernization Act—along with other landmark legislation he had authored, would usher in a new era for the U.S. financial services industry.


“The work of this Congress will be seen as a watershed where we turned away from an outmoded Depression-era approach to financial regulation and adopted a framework that will position our financial services industry to be world leaders into the new century,” Gramm said.



And this was gonna be McCains Secretary of the Treasury...




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I can hear the conversation.


Obama:"Is that Iraq"?

General: "Affirmative" (shaking head)


One of my favorite news photos was Bill Clinton looking over the DMZ while in South Korea. The only problem was that he was looking through binoculars that had the lens caps on.


When clinton lied no one died. Bush should be arrested and held on murder charges. Over 4000 us troops killed. And as for the rest of the silly americans that want to fight (mccain is still fighting vietnam) go for it. just don't use my money or my kids for your sick way of thinking. Even daddy bush said we shouldn't have invaded iraq.

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All obama does is cater to people on welfare and people who just keep having babies and do not want to work. He can not even talk without a telepromter in front of him . All his ideas sound good, only the gov. can not afford any of it .As for the war we can not just up and leave .People are just brain washed into the idea he is going to save our jobs. the media wants him to be president so bad its sickening.

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When clinton lied no one died. Bush should be arrested and held on murder charges. Over 4000 us troops killed. And as for the rest of the silly americans that want to fight (mccain is still fighting vietnam) go for it. just don't use my money or my kids for your sick way of thinking. Even daddy bush said we shouldn't have invaded iraq.

Obama has insisted that his adminstration will go into Pakistan if there was actionable intelligence. Obama has said the use of military force should not be taken off the table when dealing with Iran.

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I am a proud union republician, and I will tell you why Im voting for the McCain/Palin ticket. I offer my thoughts on this subject with the hope that democrats will reply to my post with the same respect I extend to you as a fellow union member. I will offer you several reasons why Im voting for McCain/Palin:


-McCain served, and retired from the military. He understands how the military works.

-I believe we will be attacked again. Regardless of who wins the election, some terriorist will try to test the new president. McCain will be stronger in responding to an attack.

-We need oil. Its that simple. Im all for new energy sources, but until we perfect new technology, drilling for our own oil is the short term answer. McCains for drilling, Obama is not for drilling.

-McCain is pro second amendment. This issue is near and dear to me. If we ever lose the second amendment, then we will surely lose our other freedoms. I know several members of the NRA who do not even own guns, but they value the Bill of Rights.

-McCain is a straight talker. He will tell us the way it is, and not try to dance around the tough questions. (recall Obama's reply about the issue being above his pay grade)


These are just a few of my opinions on this election. Please keep in mind that as a union, we are about half republicians, and half democrats. I believe that the union should be neutral on politics. If they want to donate money to a canidate, then they should ask our permission to do so. After all, it is our money they are giving away. I welcome any replys to my post.

here is something you ought to read about your straight talker McBush:


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