Recalls are nothing new to Ford. If Ford doesn't get their act together soon, recalls alone will bankrupt it! Check this out. I remember that it just didn't feel like it was all the way in PARK. I never knew about the decal though. Don't be confused about the term "Dodge" in the link/title. Here it means "avoid."
How Ford 'Fixed' A Deadly Problem With A Sticker To Dodge The Biggest Recall In History - The Autopian
10-4 most prominent and even not-so prominent copyright owners are very protective of their trademarks. Some time ago, my wife was making garters made with fabric depicting various college logos, and she sold them on Etsy. Etsy made her take those garters off her web page or apply to the various teams for a copyright license. Others were banned from selling Harley Davidson themed products on Etsy. So even Mom sitting at her sewing machine in the corner of the kitchen is a threat to corporate marketing departments, infringing on hallowed trademarks.
From time to time, some trademarks are allowed to lapse and other companies can pick them up; Edsel and Chevrolet Citation etc.
I believe most of these articles are not actually written by the authors, but are using some level of AI... They read oddly with minimal flow compared to other automotive outlets. There is also another article on their site that is very similar but with a different title. Both Explorer articles are by the same "Author" and were published only 26 days apart. It seems they are just recycling a lot of content with a few nips and tucks. I personally don't visit the site anymore as half the "articles" are 100% advertisements now.
Unfortunately i think this will get worse... Joe Felder announced today that The Car Connection, Motor Authority, and Green Car Reports are being shut down. Soon all we will be left with are Youtube auto reviewers.
Thank you, that is precisely Ford’s position because they have lost all contact with those other buyers. At least one Ford China product is being sold in RHD South Africa, I think this is a toe in the water for when Escape ends. Interesting that they actually paid to develop a RHD version. Things might also change when low sulphur fuels go on sale in December, we’ve been promised more new Ford’s then.
So what is the deal for ford with ROW markets?
If Ford Europe can no longer supply vehicles to those markets, then what are their options?
Perhaps dedicated plants making egg on specific products in India and Thailand?
We know the new Ecosport will be produced in India but perhaps transferring some C2
production to Thailand would be a favourable alternative, maybe cost effective reuse?
I agree with you. The implication of those two headlines is very different in comparison. Words have meaning, and one statement has a negative connotation which suggests bias.