Obviously much better to have useless regulations that just add costs and don’t really accomplish much of anyway due to unintended consequences and or loopholes that allow gaming the rules.
I’m just as guilty as the next guy, but at least admit the absurdity of it all. I owned a motorhome that only got 8 MPG, but if you only drive 5,000 miles per year, fuel costs were not that bad. At least until paying over $4/gallon (much higher if adjusted for inflation), and even then it took more than that to downsize. High fuel costs do affect behavior, or choices we make.
And it’s not just motorhomes, it can be 1,000 HP speed boats or private planes too. Seems wrong to force some people to save gas while others are not “regulated” to same extent. Higher gas prices regulates everyone equally while preserving greater personal freedom of choice.
Hi pinkteacup. One thought is to check the ignition switch to see if it is hanging up slightly stuck in (even after you take the keys out). I have had that one or twice in the past with previous vehicles.
If/when this occurs again, push the switch in a few times with your finger to see if it pops out to where it should be with the keys out.
If it is not that, then it may be a worn ignition switch itself, or other issues, and you may need to have this professionally diagnosed.
I am sure others will jump in to help, so keep us updated and good luck.
Thank you. Different things at different times. tires , rear end , even white paint. So far love the truck. Ford needs to up their Q/C few paint issues that they will need to address.
Wasn’t the main goal to reduce fuel and or energy usage? In my opinion CAFE was unnecessary and not as effective as if usage had been controlled more directly by increasing prices gradually on a predetermined schedule. Higher fuel prices would have had the added benefit of encouraging other forms of conservation, not just choosing a vehicle with higher MPG. Over decades people would have had greater incentive to live closer to work, plan to combine trips, etc.
One aerospace commentator I heard recently said he had been hopeful that Boeing would infuse McDonnell-Douglas with some needed sanity when they merged, but he was horrified to see M-D infecting Boeing with their insanity instead.
Of course, when I saw the thread title, I was wondering if Ford actually had enough of a problem with whistleblowers to start seeing them die in mysterious plan crashes…