keep in mind when he took office in his first term the DOW was 18000....its over 40000 now. Sadly I believe the Stock market is tuned more for those with discretionary income and can afford to "play" or participate through a would be interesting to see if less are actually investing now due to the cost of livbing than say 6 -7 years ago....
We need a third centrist party, one that takes ideas from both parties where it benefits us, like conservatives generally caring more about border security, but liberals caring more about clean energy and taking care of the environment. Just a few examples of how one party can take all those positions and then some.
Not to get into politics much more than we already have, but I truly believe that most people are pretty middle of the road, and that the loudest voices on both sides have been given the podium, which is only resulting in bigger and bigger pendulum swings back and forth (i.e. new guy comes in and undoes everything from the last guy).
I'd love to see someone pretty close down the middle come around, who takes ideas from each side (but not fully what each side wants) and mixes it all together and also that congress/senate would also actually work together for the betterment of the country, not their respective parties and stop this ridiculous back and forth blame game where they can't even agree that water is wet and that the sky is blue because the other side said so.
Term limits, lobbying elimination, single item bills (no BS 8,000 page things nobody has read), and no government stock trading would also be great places to start too........
Like Toby Keith said in one of his last songs-"Happy Birthday America"--words to effect.."when I go into town to vote, I have the choice of the lesser of two evils".
To your point, long front page story in WSJ yesterday..."Corporate Elation Over Trump Gives Way to Distress"....."CEOs and investors fret over what they see as whipsaw policy and complacency about risks of recession".
I guess Trump's style may have worked when he was dealing with his own empire. Now when you are dealing with a huge economy where so many are responsibile for huge entities that need to know where they stand, like Ford from a reasonably long term perspective, a different story.
From my personal perspective, I'm faced with decisions to satisfy my RMD. I would like to feel comfortable that what I'm selling now to satisfy that objective is based on some reasonable assumptions.