So, you're privy to Ford's European plans? I would bet that they're getting CE1 vehicles, including ones we won't get in North America. Valencia is being converted to build EVs, Koln is already converted.
The fender brackets finally came today. It's only been 15 days since I ordered them.
Today I did what was hopefully the final trial fit before painting.
I leave most sports stuff to my wife. We were Bengals season ticket holders for 18 or so years. The money grabbing Brown family ruined me. I pay little attention to anything that isn't motorsports related. Dave.
My past two Escapes would prove that not to be the case.
Though the strange thing is my sister had an almost identical 2010 Escape to my wifes-same color just a higher trim level and she had more problems with hers then my wifes
Dearborn is at a bit of a loss as to what to do with Ford Europe and apart from the continuing BEVs and Transit vans, I think they’re waiting for CE1 variants in a few years to replace the VW based Explorer and Capri.
The only up side here is that VW looks to be in even bigger hole needing must do affordable BEVs to survive