You are exactly correct-the other issue is people believing they need to charge every night too. The issue is to get people to understand that you don't need to "fill" to 100% every time like a gas powered vehicle.
Generally people are stupid and assholes...I went through a training about AI for work and the vast majority of the articles about it are complete batshit crazy headlines with zero understanding of what it can actually can and cannot do. I don't expect people to understand that either. I see some of the very same parrels with AI and EVs
That’s another fallacy people are just going to have to get over for mass adoption to speed up. EVs aren’t going to give you the same experience as an ICE powered car, they just aren’t and IMO probably never will. There’s only so much current you can pump into a battery in a set period of time to charge it before it overheats and potentially explodes for one. You’ll never fully be able to close the gap on charge time vs. filling up a gas tank. That’s just physics. I believe It’s going to take at least until the majority of Gen Alpha starts driving for the culture to shift enough for people to come to grips with that.
The other issue is this-is that the US desperately needs to start investing in the power grid no matter what, if we still want to buy things, since Chinese as a manufacturing power is going to disappear in another 10-20 years, if not sooner. Drilling for oil and burning it isn't a better idea for the environment either.
There is a bit of fear mongering/misinformation about EVs going around that are making people think twice or they want their experience to be exactly the same as a gas powered car.
Also T3 will be making its debut before 2028
Next Gen F-series in 2028
Deep refresh of the Explorer/Aviator, maybe an EREV option on that.
Escape Replacement, maybe a larger vehicle above that.
Maverick Van
Maybe a Ranger and Bronco P/HEV also?
I think That’s where you’re wrong. A lot of the people on the right, or even center-right don’t have a problem with electric cars. What they have a problem with (and I fall into this category for the most part) is the feeling like they’re being pushed without thought for the long term ramifications on the power infrastructure or the environmental questions on the front end of battery mineral mining that the powers that be refuse to acknowledge.
Most of the people I know who question electric cars have zero problem with them and even understand that there is a place in the market for it, just let the market decide when the masses are ready for mass adoption, not the government. They also acknowledge that they’re not for everyone.
CE1 is gonna be game changing, those are gonna be rolling out starting in 2026, we're also supposed to see a new gt 500, and maybe some other mustang derivatives.
Those are just some examples off the top of my head. Exciting products we know are in development, but we don't know when they'll come out include things like the mustang sedan, and this off-road supercar Ford's talked about. We don't know when those will be released, but 2026/27 seems like a reasonable time table.
True, but we should be getting a product onslaught of entirely new products, and derivatives of existing products in 26/27. Those are gonna be huge years for Ford based on how things are looking.
Now is kinda the calm before the storm.