the 2025 IS Bronco Sport's refresh (which included a different grille insert, slightly different bumpers, and bigger infotainment screen inside, so makes sense you may have missed it).
Finished project. The car also has some Roush body parts including their side skirts and side exhaust, rear bumper skirts and rear deck spoiler.
Also have some other progress photos here:
For Ford, Otosan has been the partnership exception rather than the rule. If it wasn't for the Transit Ford would be long gone from Europe now, and without Otosan, there would be no Transit for Europe.
Yeah, though still cheap by comparison unless advertised price is fake too. 😀
Timing of this thread is interesting because I was thinking last night about how low in price personal mini EVs (almost motorcycle in size) could get if much lower power requirements allowed lower-voltage drivetrains. This pickup only has 4 kW motor, but its 72 Volt approach, or even 48, could support much higher power outputs. Lower voltage obviously increases wire sizes and generally reduces efficiency some, but I wonder how much cost it would save in other areas; primarily associated with safety precautions.
I own a 2021 Ford Expedition and have had the freon replaced 3X and finally found a mechanic that diagnosed the problem which is a defective evaporator core. The owner of the shop has another one in his shop with the same issue (they replace these cores on a regular basis) and though no bulletins have been issued, let alone recalls, he claims that Ford Dealers are aware of this issue but do not cover the cost.
So my question is simple, do any other owners of F150, Expeditions, Navigators have this issue?
Thank you!