Somewhere along the line, Ford gave up on making profitable cars and utilities for places outside of North America, it’s now all about Transit, Ranger, Everest or overpriced Electric vehicles. There’s little to no leveraging of low cost Ford China production to supplement nearby markets.
Agreed. But knowing Ford, instead of putting the pedal to the metal and building sales with a new version, they'll say "it's doing fine, let's extend that out another 2 model years", and then wonder why sales start dwindling on a barely-changed 8-9 year old model.
I was referring to the manufacturer of the tiny truck, not RAM. If it’s a cheap product “developed”, built, and shipped here from China; there is going to be minimal enforcement on trademarks because there are much bigger fish to fry. Regardless of RAM sending a letter to cease.
I should have phased it better but I was referring to the next gen which is due in the 2027-28 timeframe this discussion was being referenced.
The model came out in late 2020 as 2021 model so 7 years model cycle put the new one at 2027 calendar year. Ford has said absolute nothing about the next gen. Bur given that Escape is going away, makes sense that Bronco Sport will survive but no way it will stay competitive without a new generation coming soon.
Fuel prices have been erratic for the past year or more. Often prices for regular E10 87 can swing 25¢ a gallon or more in a week, and not a gradual swing,The BP station is a holdout, I assume they are waiting for their next tanker load and then they will jump, too. Last Monday they were all $2.92-3 ish. for regular.
Prescott, WI:
I have same issue, OHAP is opening brand new plant, hiring electricians off the street, but WON'T HIRE ME TO SAVE MY LIFE. JSP international says, hardship cases are not being heard, but my chairman says, put one in... I want to go to OHAP, but Im stuck having to quit ford motor?? Not making sense guys ....
Walter Witzke